Living for Jesus a life that is true,
Striving to please Him in all that I do;
Yielding allegiance, glad-hearted and free,
This is the pathway of blessing for me.
Striving to please Him in all that I do;
Yielding allegiance, glad-hearted and free,
This is the pathway of blessing for me.
O Jesus, Lord and Savior,
I give myself to Thee,
For Thou, in Thy [redemption],*
Didst give Thyself for me;
I own no other Master,
My heart shall be Thy throne,
My life I give, henceforth to live,
O Christ, for Thee alone.
I give myself to Thee,
For Thou, in Thy [redemption],*
Didst give Thyself for me;
I own no other Master,
My heart shall be Thy throne,
My life I give, henceforth to live,
O Christ, for Thee alone.
Living for Jesus who died in my place,
Bearing on Calv'ry my sin and disgrace;
Such love constrains me to answer His call,
Follow His leading and give Him my all.
Bearing on Calv'ry my sin and disgrace;
Such love constrains me to answer His call,
Follow His leading and give Him my all.
Living for Jesus wherever I am,
Doing each duty in His holy name;
Willing to suffer affliction and loss,
Deeming each trial a part of my cross.
Doing each duty in His holy name;
Willing to suffer affliction and loss,
Deeming each trial a part of my cross.
Living for Jesus through earth's little while,
My dearest treasure, the light of His smile;
Seeking the lost ones He died to redeem,
Bringing the weary to find rest in Him.
My dearest treasure, the light of His smile;
Seeking the lost ones He died to redeem,
Bringing the weary to find rest in Him.
The Compilers prefer that
the New Testament word, "redemption,"
be used and sung instead of "atonement."
the New Testament word, "redemption,"
be used and sung instead of "atonement."
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Spending time in my devotions and I read "whisper My Name in loving contentment" & this hymn resonated in my heart. So very wonderful to be able to come to this site and hear, read, & sing it!
Sedona, AZ, United States
Just finishing a sermon on Isaiah 53 and the chorus filled my mind though I had not sung it in many years. How perfectly it fit my heart response to that chapter.
Choma, Southern, Zambia
I just finished reading through Romans 12 this morning and, while pondering on the challenges presented to us as believers in the passage, I began to sing the first verse and chorus of this song (in English - I've not heard this song in Tonga, the language of the people in this part of Zambia). What a challenge is presented to believers in this song! I'm very moved by it. I trust that I will be able to fulfill the truths presented in it, not only today, but every day.
Lompoc, CA, United States
This song was put on my heart last week and then we sang it Sunday @ services. It has been on my mind since then. This morning I am getting together a lesson for a devotional this Sun evening. I am in 1 Cor 9:24-27 where Paul makes use of the Greek games to illustrate the spiritual race of the believer. Just as an athlete must deny himself many gratifications of the body, As Christians, we too must deny ourselves many gratifications of the flesh, This song Alive and in my heart helps me to do exactly that! Glory to God!
Roann, Indiana, United States
1 John 4:10 - This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Roann, Indiana, United States
I appreciate the explanation of the lyrics change, but it still doesn't sit right with me. I'm leery of changing the lyricist's words because something is "better." For example, non-Trinitarian groups change "Holy, Holy, Holy" to end with a phrase something like: "God in His glory, blessed Deity" (instead of God in three Persons, blessed Trinity."
I'd rather have an explanation as to why the original lyrics are as they are rather than have an arbitrary change.
Jakarta, Indonesia
I love Jesus...
Laurel, MS
I sure do want this to be the steady walk of my life, fully walking in the Light of Jesus' presence doing what He would like to do through me. I love being in the presence of my Redeemer and being together in fellowship with other believers.
What a wonderful set of lyrics to strive to live.
Detroit, MI
Lowden originally wrote the music—to different words—for a Children’s Day service. Two years later, he came across the music in his files, and asked Chisholm if he could write lyrics for it. The result has been translated into more than 15 languages. - cyberhymnal
Sokoto, Nigeria
This was inspired to my spirit this morning as I read my Bible for devotion, and I searched through my hymn book I could not find it but I was glad hearted to find it here. I consecrated my life anew to Jesus to live for Him, not a life without Jesus deceiving my own self (2 Tim. 3:5). I bless God for hymnal.net.