Have Thine own way, Lord

B257 C344 CB449 E449 K344 LSM105 P206 R316 S193 T449
Have Thine own way, Lord,
  Have Thine own way;
Thou art the Potter,
  I am the clay.
Mould me and make me
  After Thy will,
While I am waiting,
  Yielded and still.
Have Thine own way, Lord,
  Have Thine own way;
Search me and try me,
  Master, today.
Whiter than snow, Lord,
  Wash me just now,
As in Thy presence
  Humbly I bow.
Have Thine own way, Lord,
  Have Thine own way;
Wounded and weary,
  Help me, I pray.
Power, all power,
  Surely is Thine,
Touch me and heal me,
  Savior divine.
Have Thine own way, Lord,
  Have Thine own way;
Hold o'er my being
  Absolute sway.
Fill with Thy Spirit
  Till all shall see
Christ only, always,
  Living in me.
Nelly Muyinda

Lusaka, Central Province, Zambia

This song always pops out of my heart/mind. I sing it automatically when I have a deep need to connect to God with all that is in me, Heart and soul. Often in the quiet preparatory moments before prayer, seeking His guidance,will and help.

Jodie DeHart

Bradenton, Florida, United States

In my personal prayer time the Holy Spirit brought this old hymn to my mind so I had to look up all the words not just what I remembered.

What a blessing they are.


Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa

Yea, after dedicating all you can in prayer and fasting. You will reach a point where you feel, not by my prayer nor by my fasting Lord but by Your Grace. Let Your will be done, have Thine on way. IT'S ALL I CAN SING NOW...


Lagos, Nigeria

It came flooding my mind during devotion this morning and I could not but help search it out and sing aloud.

Edgar Hovhannisyan


Christ only, always, living in me!



What about the new tune to this hymn?

Edward Chang

Sam Doegp, CA, United States

This is a truly beautiful hymn of consecration before the Lord. A consecration is a voluntary offering of oneself before the Lord. It is not a promise or a vow to do better; rather it is a giving up one's futile attempts to do something for God and rather let God be the moving in us, growing in us, and using us for His Will. Just as the writer here asks to be molded, to be searched, to be filled with the Spirit of God, may we echo such a prayer - that God in us be the true master of our entire being so that we may be useful for His Will and for His glory, not our will nor our glory.

Just a note about this tune. This tune is what some may consider an "older tune" and prefer some newer tunes offered. However, though these newer tunes are valid and beautiful, there is a beauty in the original tune. One tip to musicians responsible for playing this hymn is to remember to keep this hymn in 9/4, not 6/8 or 3/4. There is the temptation to stress every 3rd beat similarly, but time signature is a critical part of the understanding the feeling in this hymn. A recommendation is to take special note of the first 3 notes of each phrase, with the following longer held notes. This will help those singing place the proper emphasis and stresses the music intends.

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

At 40, Adelaide Pollard was trying unsuccessfully to raise support to go to Africa as a missionary. She wondered why the Lord could so burden her with the needs of Africa, but not make it possible for her to go. During this time of discouragement, she attended a small prayer meeting where an elderly woman prayed, "Lord, it doesn't matter what You bring into our lives, just have Your way with us."

That night Pollard went home and read the story of Jeremiah's visit to the potter's house, and later that evening she wrote this hymn. She said that she had always felt the Lord was molding her and preparing her for His service. Then all of a sudden, He seemed to have deserted her.

"Perhaps," she reasoned, "my questioning of God's will shows a flaw in my life. So God decided to break me, as the potter broke the defective vessel, and then to mold my life again in His own pattern." - Great Songs of Faith by Brown & Norton


Fort Worth, TX, United States

Beautiful song.


San Jose, CA, United States

Loved this sing since childhood in Church..it came to me as I readied myself for prayer this morning. Yes Lord is all I could say..

Stanza 3 is different:

1. Have Thine own way, Lord,

Have Thine own way;

Thou art the Potter,

I am the clay.

Mould me and make me

After Thy will,

While I am waiting,

Yielded and still.

2. Have Thine own way, Lord,

Have Thine own way;

Search me and try me,

Master, today.

Whiter than snow, Lord,

Wash me just now,

As in Thy presence

Humbly I bow.

3. Have Thine own way, Lord,

Have Thine own way;

Fully deliver

From self, I pray.

Break me and strip me;

Bring me to naught;

Dig through and empty,

Nor leave me aught.

4. Have Thine own way, Lord,

Have Thine own way;

Hold o'er my being

Absolute sway.

Fill with Thy Spirit

Till all shall see

Christ only, always,

Living in me.

Piano Hymns