Savior, lead me, this I pray

B225 C291 CB390 D390 E390 G390 K291 R279 S172 T390
Savior, lead me, this I pray,
In the Spirit all the day;
Walking in the light of life,
I would cease from all my strife.
Lead me, lead me,
Savior, lead me, this I pray;
Deeply in the stream of life,
  Lead me, Savior, in Thy way.
Thou as life in me indeed,
By the law of life dost lead;
When Thou reignest in Thy might,
All my darkness turns to light.
Liberating Spirit, Thou,
Wholly regulate me now;
Thus my mind Thou wilt renew
And Thy will I'll fully know.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Omoha Esther

Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

Lead me O Lord, in the oath which you have created for me, for thy glory and honour. Amen.

This is my sincere prayer Lord Jesus.

Mfreke Essien

Port Harcourt, Rivers, Nigeria

Savior pls lead us gently down the stairs of life


Kohima, Nagaland, India

Few of us men are presenting this song Fathers Day, June 16 2024.


Auckland, New Zealand

This hymn shows that the Saviour leads not in an outward way but as the law of the Spirit of life in us, liberating us and regulating us at the same time in His way. (Romans 8:2)

I pray that this will be my prayer everyday: Lead me dear Saviour, lead me deeply in the stream of life, in Your way, not my own own, that I can fully know Your will.

R. Cheng

New Zealand

I love that we have a leading Saviour! He leads and liberates as the Spirit in our spirit! I want to experience this sweet leading and reigning more each day through my whole life!

Lilo Xu

New Zealand

"Savior, lead me, this I pray". most time, we think that the leading of the Lord comes to us in a strong, outward, miraculous way. but the way of the Lord is higher than our way. As the Spirit, the Lord is now dwelling in our spirit, and we are one with the Lord in our spirit. therefore, the Lord's leading is now within us as the law of the Spirit of life. may the Lord grant us grace that we would learn to open to the Lord and receive His leading in the spirit.

Ernesto Guerrero

Boca Raton, Florida, United States

Rom. 8:141, led—The leading by the Spirit is not outward but inward, and is composed of the law of the Spirit of life (v. 2), the Spirit (vv. 9-13), and life (vv. 6-11). This verse speaks of our being led by the Spirit rather than of the Spirit’s leading us, indicating that although the Spirit is ready to lead us, we must take the initiative to be led by Him. This means that we must take Him as our life and everything and that we must put to death everything of the old creation in us. We do not need to seek after the Spirit’s leading, since it is already present within us, dwelling in our regenerated spirit. If we live under this leading, we will walk and behave in a way that proves that we are God’s sons.


Toronto, Canada

Saviour lead me, Saviour lead me deeply in the stream of life, Saviour lead me in thy way, Saviour lead me this l pray. Thank You Lord

Dorrell Williams

Ocho Rios, Jamaica

My favourite song of all times. I need His leading at all points of my life; in whatever I am, in everything I do, wherever I go, may He govern the meditations of my heart. I cannot breathe without Him, I don't want to live without Him; it is in Him that I find my very state of existence. If Christ doesn't lead me, I don't want to be led!

Rosita Enriquez

Anaheim, CA, United States

Sometimes we are in darkness, BUT when He reigns in His might "all my darkness turns to light." Lord, we just have to walk in the light of life then we will cease from all our strife, lead us in the stream of life.

Piano Hymns