He died for me that I might live;
I live for Him who died,
My life, my love to Him I give—
Jesus, the Crucified.
O Jesus, my Lord and Savior,
Help me to fully follow Thee
In life and death and loving service,
As Thou hast lived and died for me.
He died for me that I might die
To Satan, self, and sin;
O death so deep! O life so high!
Help me to enter in.
O Jesus, my Lord and Savior,
Help me to fully follow Thee
In life and death and loving service,
As Thou hast lived and died for me.
He lives for me that I may live
As spotless e'en as He;
Savior, to me Thy nature give,
And live Thy life in me.
O Jesus, my Lord and Savior,
Help me to fully follow Thee
In life and death and loving service,
As Thou hast lived and died for me.
He lives for me that I may give
His love to hearts that pine;
Let me like Him for others live,
And trace His steps divine.
O Jesus, my Lord and Savior,
Help me to fully follow Thee
In life and death and loving service,
As Thou hast lived and died for me.
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
Taoyuan, Taiwan
Live to Him is better than live for Him according to 2 Cor. 5:15,”no longer live to themselves but to Him who died for them and has been raised. ”
Valenzuela, Metro Manila, Philippines
Lord Jesus you died for me that I may live. By your mercy I want to live that I may die. Live to Christ as my person in my regenerated spirit. Die to satan self and sin. Though the outer man is decaying, yet the inner man is being renewed day by day. Amen
San Francisco, California, United States
Praise the Lord! You died for me that I might die to Satan, self and sin. You live for me that I might give Your love to hearts that pine. Praise the Lord, I love You!
Sydney, NSW, United States
Very nice tune.
Hyderbad, AP, India