At Calvary

C267 E342 K267 T342
Years I spent in vanity and pride,
Caring not my Lord was crucified,
Knowing not it was for me He died
  On Calvary.
Mercy there was great, and grace was free;
Pardon there was multiplied to me;
There my burdened soul found liberty,
    At Calvary.
By God's Word at last my sin I learned;
Then I trembled at the law I'd spurned,
Till my guilty soul imploring turned
  To Calvary.
Now I've giv'n to Jesus everything,
Now I gladly own Him as my King,
Now my raptured soul can only sing
  Of Calvary.
Oh, the love that drew salvation's plan!
Oh, the grace that brought it down to man!
Oh, the mighty gulf that God did span
  At Calvary!
Brad Colley

Kewdale, WA, United States

I woke up about 3 am this morning with the words and tune ‘at Calvary’ constantly singing in my heart. I got up and googled the rest of the words. I had a wonderful prayer time . I felt the Holy Spirit was drawing my attention to the wonderful victory Jesus gained for me at the cross, and the songs is constantly playing in my thoughts all day.

“ You command Your loving kindness in the day time and at night Your song is with me. ”

Prudence Seales

Blenheim, New Zealand

Mrs Abigail Effanga, I just read your comment beneath the lyrics for the song 'At Calvary' and I realised that we both received this song on the same day. 20 June. I was constantly singing the chorus as I drove my car several hundred kilometers to see my elderly aunt. Sadly I didn't know the words for the verses, so that is why I looked them up here! Once I returned to my hometown, this was the first song we sang at church that Sunday! Praise the Lord,! Well, I am not sure whether you'll see this, but if you do, I hope it is an encouragement to you. I live in New Zealand.

Pastor (Mrs) Àbigail Effanga

Abat, Onna, Akwa Ibom, Nigeria

At Calvary is a heart breaking song. The Holy Spirit woke me up this night to sing the song. It inspired and revived my spirit.


Portland, Oregon, United States

The road the Pilgrim walks before Calvary and the road the Christian travels on after Calvary.

Malia Gessells

Anchorage, Alaska, United States

The best song

Augustus Immanuel Pauldurai T

Tirupattur, Tamilnadu, India

22 years I spent vanity and pride , since my birth, caring not my Lord was crucified for me. Then His mercy and grace found me and brought me to the knowledge that He died indeed for me. Yes my Lord Jesus bled and died for me and multiplied God's grace and pardon for me, grace and pardon to be delivered and live as His child. Today I am 57 and still a work in progress. Thank you Lord.

Khai Dal

Bowling Green, Kentucky, United States

Amazing Music. Thank You so much 😊


Loveland, Colorado, United States

Very quickly, after wakening, lyrics from this song came into my thoughts.. "Mercy there was great and grace was free".. I started singing.. I then looked up the lyrics ..

"O the Love that drew salvations plan.. O the Grace that brought it down to man.. O the Mighty gulf that God did span.. At Calvary! Amazing Grace! Glory to God! It is Finished!

Olusegun Oni

Lagos, Nigeria


Toyosi Alabi

Lagos, Nigeria

I loved the music as a child and sang once in a while in adulthood but never knew or paid attention to the lyrics.

Today, Easter Tuesday, I woke up with the tune in mind and opened the lyrics... indeed, it tells my story too but Importantly, the fact that I struggled with Assurance of Salvation as it didn't feel right that Grace was so free and Mercy so great. I PRAISE GOD, MY BURDENED AND TROUBLED SOUL FOUND LIBERTY when I accepted the finished work and the Holy Spirit made me realise Jesus payment for my salvation was once and for all, it was for me as I am, as I have accepted it and Him, He will never leave me nor forsake me. ALLELUIA

Piano Hymns