Amazing Grace

B184 C247 CB313 D313 E313 K247 LSM76 R67 S154 T313
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
  That saved a wretch; like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
  Was blind, but now I see.
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
  And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
  The hour I first believed!
The Lord hath promised good to me,
  His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
  As long as life endures.
When we've been there ten thousand years,
  Bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise
  Than when we first begun.
Big Bob

Richland, WA, United States

My favorite... I sing this as a lullaby to my daughter almost every night.

john carlos delarosa

Quezon City, Manila, Philippines

Truly, it is only by grace. In spite of many failures, I still stand. In spite of needs, God's provision never was late. In spite of unworthiness I can still praise the Lord. It's because of His grace that never will I be deserving. Praise my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!!!


Church In Virac, Catanduanes, Philippines

It is amazing grace for me to enjoy the Lord everyday, despite of my weaknesses, sufferings, and hardship in life. He is there for me always and the saints' cooperation and divine love I treasure most. Satan is just trying us to get us to be a tired, miserable and wretched person. But praise the Lord! Oh, what an Amazing Grace still we are here in the church life. We need to be today's overcomers to defeat Satan. Hallelujah! Amen.

Jeremy Barnhill

Fairfield, Ohio, United States

This was the song they played at the closing of my grandmother's funeral. She is and always will be missed greatly. God rest her soul.


Iligan, Lanao Del Norte, Philippines

i lik this song because it is about the GRACE that God has given us, this GRACE is God Himself, dying on the cross to become our life.., the eternal life! Amen for this CHRIST!

He is so AMAZING!


Why do I like this song? Because it reminds me of how wonderful life is with the Lord Jesus... I last sang this song were giving praise to a sister who got sick and recovered so fast... but now she's now in the bossom of the Father.. it was so painful for all of us because she is a pure lover of Christ.. i remember when she said to me that she want the young people to stand firm in the Lord... her death is really an encouranging to all of us.. now we know that she's praying together with all the overcomers....


BJ, China

When I first listened to this song by chance, I was touched very much by its lyrics and the words as well. Of such a wretch like me, He makes a son. Amazing grace to me!!! Each time I sing this hymn, it brings me not only gratefulness but also faith. It¡¦s He who becomes my HOPE and MEANING of life. I would never thank Him enough for placing me in such amazing grace day by day.

Richard Peterson

Upstate NY, U.S.A.

I play a Mt Dulcimer and it is one of my favorite Hymns that I've played and sung over the past years...... If you say the words to yourself and think it's what faith is now and will be. I'm 72 and Live in the Lord.

Bianca - Anne Pay Moll

South Africa

This song has played a vital role in my relationship with God. When I was baptised, baptised with the Holy Spirit, when I got married and on several other times. This is how I see the relationship between God, Jesus and mankind through His grace on Calvary.

Cynthia Matthews

I would like to sing this song one day in church.

We are familiar with the hymn "Amazing Grace." Although this is a good hymn, it does not speak of the Triune God as our portion for our enjoyment. When this hymn was written, the experiential knowledge of God among the Lord's people had not come to this point. Even as recent as fifty years ago, Christians did not have the understanding of grace as the Triune God experienced and enjoyed by us. But standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before us, we have come to know that grace is far more than merely unmerited favor. Grace is the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—processed for our experience and enjoyment.

Piano Hymns