Amazing Grace

B184 C247 CB313 D313 E313 K247 LSM76 R240 S154 T313
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
  That saved a wretch; like me!
I once was lost, but now am found,
  Was blind, but now I see.
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
  And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
  The hour I first believed!
The Lord hath promised good to me,
  His word my hope secures;
He will my shield and portion be
  As long as life endures.
When we've been there ten thousand years,
  Bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise
  Than when we first begun.
Donna Young

Keizer, Oregon, United States

This is my favorite Christian song by and far! I sing it and it calms me. I sang it today. I had to look up the other verses because the only one I know by heart is the first one. I am making it my goal to learn them all, starting today. I have SO MUCH to be thankful for! Even in trials He is there! We will prevail! We will overcome! We are protected and will succeed when we follow His will and stay close to Him! Praise the LORD!!! Thank you Yahweh Elohim (Lord God of all) for your son Yeshua (Jesus) & your Holy Spirit!! I LOVE you!! ❣️

Jane Muriu

Kajiado, Nairobi, Kenya

Just woke up and sang the song. Feeling blessed

Gloria Young

Monroe, LA, United States

Thanks 🙏 That’s Amazing Grace 🙌🙌🙌😇😇😇




United States

bless God all of you


Marietta, GA, United States

Ever since I've been rape from a child throughout my teenagers years and adult years and conceived a child from it. I cannot sleep. I have problems sleeping in the night. I cannot focus or concentrate on things. My mind been bolted with rage and anger. I suffer from depression and a way I get away from the darkness that lies within me is listening to gospel music, taking nature walks and work a lot to have a little peace of mind. I am not close with my parents or my sisters; because they do not like me... they says it over and over since growing up. I am distant in many surroundings. I read a book calls Jesus Callings very inspirational at time... I am lost... I know Jesus is calling me; and One day I will be with him; I will be found. Amazing Grace is He... He's wanting to save me from all that I am dealing with; but I am lost and distant. I love listening to AMAZING Grace.. very touching.. makes me cry at times just by listening to it...

Sizile Mabaso

Johannesburg, South Africa

I was sitting alone talking to God opening my heart to Him and suddenly I started singing this song. I only knew the first verse. So I googled the song and that's how I got here. I sang it again with all the verses. May God be with us all and always remind us of His love and grace.


I love this song! It is such a blessing.


Sardis, AL, United States

God's Grace, is awesome and restores our souls to face this life now until life ceases. Blessings on you all Brothers and sisters!!


Rustenburg, South Africa

Just amazing grace all l have to say

We are familiar with the hymn "Amazing Grace." Although this is a good hymn, it does not speak of the Triune God as our portion for our enjoyment. When this hymn was written, the experiential knowledge of God among the Lord's people had not come to this point. Even as recent as fifty years ago, Christians did not have the understanding of grace as the Triune God experienced and enjoyed by us. But standing on the shoulders of those who have gone before us, we have come to know that grace is far more than merely unmerited favor. Grace is the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—processed for our experience and enjoyment.

Piano Hymns