Grace! 'tis a charming sound,
Harmonious to the ear;
Heav'n with the echo shall resound,
And all the earth shall hear.
All sufficient grace!
Never powerless!
It is Christ who lives in me,
In His exhaustlessness.
'Twas grace that wrote my name
In life's eternal book;
'Twas grace that gave me to the Lamb,
Who all my sorrows took.
All sufficient grace!
Never powerless!
It is Christ who lives in me,
In His exhaustlessness.
Grace taught my wandering feet
To tread the pilgrim road;
And new supplies each hour I meet
While pressing on to God.
All sufficient grace!
Never powerless!
It is Christ who lives in me,
In His exhaustlessness.
Grace taught my heart to pray,
And made my eyes o'erflow;
'Tis grace which kept me to this day,
And will not let me go.
All sufficient grace!
Never powerless!
It is Christ who lives in me,
In His exhaustlessness.
Grace all the work shall crown
Through everlasting days;
It lays in love the topmost stone,
And well deserves the praise.
All sufficient grace!
Never powerless!
It is Christ who lives in me,
In His exhaustlessness.
Oh, let that grace inspire
My heart with strength divine;
May all my powers to Thee aspire,
And all my days be Thine.
All sufficient grace!
Never powerless!
It is Christ who lives in me,
In His exhaustlessness.
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California, United States
All-sufficient grace, Christ who lives in us!
London, United Kingdom
Thank God for leading me to this blessed website; and thank God for the Godly wisdom given to the brethren who came up with this inspired idea. This is my first requested song and what a blessing to my soul! Thank God for saving and keeping me only by HIS GRACE.
Catford, London, United Kingdom
Thank you Jesus For The Grace Of God! I am blessed! Thank you for uploading this song. Shalom!
Long Beach, CA, United States
2 Cor 9:8 God is able to make all grace abound unto you, that in everything, always, having all sufficiency, you may abound...
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Amen, All-sufficient Grace, it is Christ who lives in us!!
He Lives in His exhaustlessness.... never powerless
Granbury, Texas, United States
By this wordeful grace we are here. Praise the Lord!
Austin, TX, United States
Praise the Lord that He is All-sufficient! He is supplying us with His inexhaustible supply!
What a wonderful Christ we have!
Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria
This grace gives me Divine stregth to forge ahead even in the face of challenges.
Irvien, United States
Your grace never fails us!
Thank You for Your ALL-SUFFICIENT GRACE; keep us depending on this grace - to open to the dispensing & take You as our everything all the time! We open to Your abounding grace and exercise today to receive the abundance of grace! Grace and reality came.. Hallelujah! We can turn to You & receive grace right now!!!
Great song👍💓