What a blessed fact! What a tiding glad

B159 C222 CB276 E276 K222 P145 T276
What a blessed fact! What a tiding glad!
  In the Spirit we have been baptized;
Take this settled fact, nothing need we add,
  In the Spirit we have been baptized.
Take it! take it!
Take now this fact by living faith;
  Take it! take it!
  Take now this accomplished fact by faith.
In the testament it is clearly told,
  In the Spirit we have been baptized;
It is so complete, we need only hold,
  In the Spirit we have been baptized.
Hold it! hold it!
  Hold now this fact by living faith;
  Hold it! hold it!
    Hold now this accomplished fact by faith.
Christ upon the Church hath His Spirit poured,
  In the Spirit we have been-baptized;
Share her portion now, share in full accord,
  In the Spirit we have been baptized.
Share it! share it!
  Share now this fact by living faith;
  Share it! share it!
    Share now this accomplished fact by faith.
With the Body right, on the Body ground,
  Move and act on this accomplished fact;
Sins and doubts condemn, wait no more around,
  But by living faith now move and act.
Act now! act now!
Act on this fact by living faith;
Act now! act now!
  Act on this accomplished fact by faith.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Maria L

Fremont, California, United States

Hallelujah, the Father has purposed, the Son has accomplished, and the Spirit applies! Lord, we open to Your divine dispensing as the Divine Trinity operating in us and around us for the fulfilment of God’s economy! Praise the Lord 😀

