Rivers of living water

C203 CB251 E251 K203 P133 R192 S117 T251
Rivers of living water,
  Rivers that flow from the throne,
Rivers o'erflowing with blessing,
  Coming from Jesus alone.
Rivers of living water,
  Rivers of life so free,
Flowing from Thee, my Savior,
    Send now the rivers through me.
Whoso is thirsty come hither,
  Here is abundant supply;
Water transparent as crystal,
  Come without money and buy.
Cleanse me, oh, cleanse me, my Savior,
  Make me a channel today;
Empty me, fill me and use me,
  Teach me to trust and obey.
Then, and then only, Lord Jesus,
  Through me the rivers can flow;
Thus and thus only will others
  Learn Thy great fulness to know.
Now I surrender to Jesus,
  Here I lay all at His feet;
Anything, anywhere only,
  Just for His service made meet!

Abbotsford, BC, Canada

Rivers flow out of His (Christ's) "belly" (or innermost being); springs well up in us. He, not the believer, is the source of all spiritual blessing.


Wellington, New Zealand

After enjoying John 7:38, I remembered this lovely song. Praise the Lord we can sing joyfully to the Lord. Good to sing for morning revival.


London, United Kingdom

Cleanse by Your blood so that I can become a clean vessel for Your rivers of living water, unpolluted, crystal clear and quenching dying souls around me.


Kampala, Uganda

I love this song because there are rivers of living water, but we need to be cleansed and emptied then the rivers can flow. Praise the Lord. As the rivers flow we can surrender! and made useful for the building.

We need to understand that the emphasis of Hymns, #251 is not only on the river of water of life proceeding out of the throne, as seen in Revelation 22, but even more on the rivers of living water flowing out of us, as recorded in John's Gospel. John 7:38 says, "He who believes into Me.. .out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water." According to the Greek text, rivers in this verse is plural. Therefore, it is correct for Hymns, #251 to use rivers (plural). The river in Revelation 22 is the river that proceeds from the throne, and it is one river, whereas the rivers in John 7 are rivers that flow out of us, and they are many rivers.

Piano Hymns