That I'm in Thee and Thou in me,
That Thou and I are really one;
O what a wondrous mystery!
That I may ever share in Thee;
For me Thy precious blood was shed,
That from my sins I might be free.
Thy form and as the Spirit come;
Thou wouldst that I be filled with Thee
That all Thy riches mine become.
Thy loving self we see anew;
We thank Thee for Thy heart's desire
As all Thy travail we review.
And to Thy sweetness we are led;
In spirit each receiving Thee,
Our spirits with Thyself are fed.
To take Thyself in spirit thus,
Till Thou shalt all our being fill
And true remembrance have from us.
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Auckland, New Zealand
What a miracle that we can be in God, and God in us! It is truly a mystery! Hallelujah!
Auckland, New Zealand
Thank you, Lord, that you pass through all the processes for us to enjoy all your riches today! Praise The Lord!
Auckland, New Zealand
oh what a miracle, my Lord!!! that sinners we can be one with You, that we can partake of Your unsearchable riches. Lord, stregthen our eating and drinking of You, stregthen our taking You in our spirit, so that You can gain us as Your true worshippers!
Auckland, New Zealand
Christ is our real food and our real drink. He didn't just come to die for our sins, but He also died and went through a process so that He could become food and drink to us. In this way, He and we really become one. What a miracle!
Tirane, Albania
We long to eat and drink e’en more,
To take Thyself in spirit thus,
Till Thou shalt all our being fill
And true remembrance have from us.
Lucena City, Quezon, Philippines
For me Thy Body Thou didst give,
That I may ever share in Thee;
1 Cor 11:24 "And having given thanks, He broke it and said, This is My body…"
1 Cor 11:24 footnote 1 "The bread is broken that we may eat it.."
1 Cor 10:17 footnote 2 "Partaking of (that is, eating—vv. 28-30) the one bread identifies us with it. This indicates that our partaking of Christ, our enjoying of Christ, identifies us with Him, making us one with Him."
His body was broken so that we may eat Him, partake of Him. Thank you Lord for dying for us, that we may have our share in enjoying you!
Leduc, Alberta, Canada
O what a miracle, my Lord, That I’m in Thee and Thou in me, That Thou and I are really one; O what a wondrous mystery!
United States
Anaheim, California, United States
Oh what a great miracle!
Anaheim, CA, United States
God is in me and I in Him????? Amen!