Sweet feast of love divine

B120 C186 CB228 D228 E228 K186 R169 T228
Sweet feast of love divine!
  'Tis grace that makes us free
To feed upon this bread and wine,
  In mem'ry, Lord, of Thee.
Here every welcome guest
  Waits, Lord, from Thee to learn
The secrets of Thy Father's breast,
  And all Thy grace discern.
Here conscience ends its strife,
  And faith delights to prove
The sweetness of the Bread of Life,
  The fulness of Thy love.
That blood that flowed for sin
  In symbol here we see,
And feel the blessed pledge within
  That we are loved of Thee.
O if this glimpse of love
  Is so divinely sweet,
What will it be, O Lord, above,
  Thy gladd'ning smile to meet!
To see Thee face to face,
  Thy perfect likeness wear,
And all Thy ways of wondrous grace
  Through endless years declare.
Analou Lorenzana

Kennedy Town, Hong Kong Island

We praise You Lord Jesus.


Malang, East Java, Indonesia

To see Thee face to face

Thy perfect likeness wear

And all Thy ways of wondrous grace

Through endless years declare

北京, China


John T. C. Kan

Chicago, IL, United States

A tremendous hymn to share with all true Christians as it resonates in the spirit of the listeners. Thanks for a great job for the Lord in Hymnal.net.

George Wright

Salt Lake City, Utah, United States

We sang this hymn three times in our table meeting yesterday. I noticed, for the first time, that the hymn begins with a "sweet feast" and ends with us wearing the perfect likeness of our dear Lord.

May we all partake of our sweet feast of love divine, until we wear His perfect likeness!

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI

Edward Denny, son of E. Denny, fourth bar­onet, of Tra­lee Cas­tle, Coun­ty Ker­ry, suc­ceeded his fa­ther as bar­o­net in Au­gust 1831:

Nearly the whole town of Tra­lee be­longed to him. He had an op­por­tun­i­ty twen­ty years ago, when his leas­es fell in, of rais­ing his rents to fig­ures that, in some cas­es, would not have been con­sid­ered ex­tor­tion­ate had they been quad­ru­pled. He, how­ev­er, de­cid­ed to ac­cept the old rents. The re­sult was that he was al­most alone in es­cap­ing any re­duct­ion in the hands of the Land Com­miss­ion. So far as he was him­self con­cerned, a lit­tle mon­ey went a long way, but he gave lib­er­al­ly to poor rela­tions and to the de­vel­op­ment of re­li­gious work in con­nect­ion with the “Brethren.” Liv­ing in a qui­et way in a cot­tage in Is­ling­ton, he de­vot­ed his time to the stu­dy of the pro­phet­ic books. His rent­al in­come from Ire­land was about £13,000 a year. - Leeds Mercury (newspaper), June 19, 1889

Joselito Cua

Zamboanga, Zamboanga Del Sur

Such a blessed hymn! It's not just partaking the bread and wine, it's the sweet feast of love divine! How intimate and how glorious to be in the Lord's Table! Amen.

Piano Hymns