We come, O Christ, to Thee

E192 R140
We come, O Christ, to Thee,
  True Son of God and man,
By whom all things consist,
  In whom all life began:
In Thee alone we live and move
And have our being in Thy love.
Thou art the Way to God,
  Thy blood our ransom paid;
In Thee we face our Judge
  And Maker unafraid.
Before the Throne absolved we stand:
Thy love has met Thy law's demand.
Thou art the living Truth!
  All wisdom dwells in Thee,
Thou Source of every skill,
  Eternal Verity!
Thou great I Am! In Thee we rest,
True answer to our every quest.
Thou only art true Life,
  To know Thee is to live
The more abundant life
  That earth can never give:
O Risen Lord! We live in Thee
And Thou in us eternally!
We worship Thee Lord Christ,
  Our Savior and our King,
To Thee our youth and strength
  Adoringly we bring:
So fill our hearts that men may see
Thy life in us and turn to Thee!
Kitty Joubert

Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa

We come, O Christ, to Thee,

True Son of God and man,

By whom all things consist,

In whom all life began:

In Thee alone we live and move

And have our being in Thy love.

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI

Margaret Clarkson was born in Saskatchewan, Canada, but grew up in Toronto after moving at age 5. Having graduated as a teacher in 1935, she went to northern Ontario to find work. She eventually returned to Toronto, where she taught for 31 years. She is noted for her poems, hymns, articles for Christian magazines, and 17 books on various subjects in 7 languages. - Songs of the Spirit by Martin


In 1946 Margaret wrote what she called her "first real hymn" at the request of Stacey Woods, General Secretary of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. "We Come O Christ, To Thee" was written to "link together the widely-scattered groups that made up the young student movement." - Wheaton College Archives

Piano Hymns