"Great is Thy faithfulness," O God my Father,
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.
"Great is Thy faithfulness!" "Great is Thy faithfulness!"
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
"Great is Thy faithfulness," Lord, unto me!
Summer and winter, and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above,
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.
"Great is Thy faithfulness!" "Great is Thy faithfulness!"
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
"Great is Thy faithfulness," Lord, unto me!
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
"Great is Thy faithfulness!" "Great is Thy faithfulness!"
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided—
"Great is Thy faithfulness," Lord, unto me!
© 1923. Ren. 1951 Hope Publishing Co., Carol Stream, IL 60188
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
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Mount Washington, Kentucky, United States
This is my all time favorite of the old hymns. Thank The Lord for His faithfulness! Morning by morning new mercies are there for me (us) to see. When I am in need of Divine strength and assurance this is my go to song.
It helps me have a fresh perspective on the fact that all I have needed God has provided.
Kaneshie, Accra, Ghana
When alone and depressed, this song reminded me that He is always with me and His love will never fade or fail. Thank You Jesus!
Cape Coast, Ghana
God is so awesome and wish for great blessings for the composer of great song which portrays the awesomeness of our God. My inspirational song which lifts me up anytime I feel alone, and gives me the assurance that God is nearer than I think.
Essex, Maryland, United States
I love this song, it speaks to me everyday and reminds me I have a Father who loves me in all seasons of life. He's here today, tomorrow and forever.
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
I always am encouraged to read these comments from all over the world. I woke up with this song in my head. Sometimes I feel lonely but through this hymn, God reminds me that He is always there right beside us.
Vallejo, CA, Canada
Love this song.
London, United Kingdom
Indeed God is faithful. Regardless of trials and difficult circumstances, never forget - Jesus Christ the Rock of our salvation has won the victory.
EastBourne, East Sussex, United Kingdom
Thank You Jesus!!!!!
Vicenza, Montecchio, Italy
Lord my God. Masters of all masters.. yes indeed! GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS
Pennsylvania, United States
I've probably sang this on repeat 50x already, and no matter how many times more I sing it it will never add up to His amazing faithfulness ❤️ Oh how I love Him and His beautiful Bride, the church.