Fairest Lord Jesus

B96 C143 CB175 E175 G175 K143 LSM33 P85 R126 S83 T175
Fairest Lord Jesus!
  Ruler of all nature!
O Thou of God and man the Son!
  Thee will I cherish,
  Thee will I honor,
Thou, my soul's glory, joy, and crown!
Fair are the meadows
  Fairer still the woodlands,
Robed in the blooming garb of spring;
  Jesus is fairer,
  Jesus is purer,
Who makes the woeful heart to sing!
Fair is the sunshine,
  Fairer still the moonlight,
And all the twinkling starry host;
  Jesus shines brighter,
  Jesus shines purer,
Than all the angels heav'n can boast!
All fairest beauty,
  Heavenly and earthly,
Wondrously, Jesus, is found in Thee;
  None can be nearer,
  Fairer, or dearer,
Than Thou my Savior art to me.

Orlando, Florida, United States

This song just was in my spirit. I looked it up and oh how marvelous it is, uplifting our Savior. Thank God for this song.


England, United Kingdom

This is amazing stuck in my head I sing them in a different way but amazing

Dian Burch

Loudon, TN, United States

This morning I was awake early and this hymn was on my tongue. I looked it up on YouTube & sent it to my sister who is a pilot. She was in a city where she had a friend who came to pick her up to go to church with her. When she got to church, they sang this hymn! 😍God has a way of letting us know that He is everywhere all the time!


Norman, OK, United States

Repast for the soul. Surprised at the anonymous author.

Chijioke Nwokoma

Aba, Abia, Nigeria

This used to be my late father's favorite hymn. He used to tell us to be spiritually prepared before singing this song because it gets Lucifer infuriated. I still recall one day he was playing guitar and singing this song, all of a sudden, bulbs in the house started exploding and my dad told us that Lucifer is not happy that we are are referring to Jesus Christ as the fairest. I was barely 7yrs then ( 40yrs ago). To be candid, that experience / incident made me to be afraid of this hymn then. Thank God that all my fears are now gone and I not only draw inspirations from this marvelous hymn but have also adopted it as my favorite. Thank God for giving mankind the best gift, Jesus Christ.

Glenna Herron

Odessa, TX, United States

I was reading Psalm 45:2 You are fairer than the sons of men. Grace is poured upon Your lips. Therefore God has blessed You forever. Nothing and no one compares to the fairness of Christ. He has completely attracted and captivated us by His beauty. When we lay our eyes on Him everything else falls away. We have found the fairest one in the universe.


Conroe, Texas, United States

This song came to mind today and I find it to be comforting and worshipful. So encouraging to read others around the world listening to hymns to our Savior and Lord

Susan Johnson

Elizabethtown, KY, United States

I woke up this morning thinking about this beautiful song! Thank you, Lord Jesus!! No matter how dark things in the world may get—

“Jesus shines brighter,

Jesus shines purer,

Than all the angels heav’n can boast! ”

Reuben Goh

Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia

This was our song singing on this bright Sunday morning between my dad and mom and myself. And through it we praise God and claim the promise that when two or three are gathered, He is here.


I love God

Piano Hymns