Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me

Cs5 D1334 E1334 F213 K906
Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me;
  Thou hast put off my sackcloth;
Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me,
  And girded me with gladness;
To the end my glory may sing praise unto Thee,
  And not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks unto Thee forever.
Allen Palama

Lagos, Nigeria

I would not be SILENT

Eleanor Wakou

Austin, Texas, United States

Praise You Lord! You've turned our mourning into dancing and girded us with gladness! We will give thanks unto Thee forever!

Psa 30:11-12

You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;

You have loosened my sackcloth

And girded me with rejoicing,

That my glory might sing psalms to You and not be silent.

O Jehovah my God, I will praise You forever.

Matha Ouellette

East Hartford, Connecticut, United States

God has always put a song in my heart. Every morning I get up singing a song. This song usually start singing in my sleep. Today this was the song I got up singing. Thanks I found it playing on your website. God bless.


Fremont, CA, United States

For Yichien, my sister in Christ: praise the Lord Spirit that He has comforted you. May the joy of the Lord remain in your mingled spirit each moment of your life unto eternity. Just want to share with you that one of the most favorite sung hymns, Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine; the writer Fanny Crosby, had your experience, too. She wrote this hymn, after she received the comfort from the Lord Spirit. May we Love our Lord Jesus more and more each day. The Lord loves us beyond our knowledge. Love you in Christ. Amen.


Harrisburg, Oregon, United States

I heard this song performed many years ago by Willie Hanson of Australia. His father wrote it. When he was a young man living at home his mother passed away. The household was in sad and in mourning. Heaviness and grief. And one night he awoke in the middle of the night with his father playing the piano accordion to this tune "..thou hast turned my mourning into dancing for me....." and singing this joyful song to the Lord.

Always has been one of my favorites. It is very powerful.

Joseph Chuo

Taipei, Taiwan

A very famous child actor in Taiwan, after many sufferings in her life, became a very joyful Christian and liked this song very much.

Faye Sarren

Anchorage, AK, United States

I woke up singing this song, but could not remember all the words, after crying for the last few weeks about my children, and finally having prayer for this. I woke up with this song. And you made me even happier, by playing it on the piano, I love the piano.



After reading your comments, I was convicted in my spirit. I lost a beloved bird a week ago and I looked for her and cried all the nights and days and I was unable to accept any comfort. Even now it is still the case. However, you Yichien lost a BABY! I am so sorry. I am so sorry. I did not know the hymn, but picked it wishing it was true in my case. I pray it will be soon.





Madison, NJ, United States

After losing our baby at 16 months, I was in mouring for longer than I care to remember until one day, I lifted up my eyes and looked onto the heavens to seek my God. He strengthened me and beared my grief. Praise You, Lord! You have turned my mourning into dancing by giving me Your very self. Praise You that I have a spirit not confined to my human circumstances!

Piano Hymns