Glorious things to thee are spoken

Cs539 E1275 S389
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Glorious things to thee are spoken,
  Philadelphia, church of love.
These things saith the One who's holy,
  He who's real speaks from above;
He that has the key of David,
  Who the kingdom's entrance won,
"I will open, no man shutteth"—
  He has spoken; it is done.
Hallelujah, Philadelphia,
  Thine are works that please the Lord.
Strength thou hast, though just a little
  And hast kept His living Word.
Thou His holy name denied not,
  But confessed it here below—
Lo, a door is set before thee,
  Through which none but thee can go.
Thou, beloved Philadelphia,
  Dost His Word of patience keep.
From the hour of trial He'll save thee,
  Which o'er all the world shall sweep.
Troublers too shall know He loves thee;
  They to thee must then bow down.
"Hold thou fast, for I come quickly,
  That no man may take thy crown."
Hallelujah, overcomers,
  "In the temple of My God,
I will build them in as pillars,
  Nevermore to go abroad."
God's own name is written on them
  And the new name of the Lord.
With the triune God they're blended;
  They're the city of our God.
Hallelujah, out of heaven,
  Comes the New Jerusalem:
Gates of pearl and walls of jasper,
  Mingled with each precious gem.
Philadelphia, Philadelphia,
  Has become His Bride so dear.
Now the Spirit in the churches
  Speaks to all who have an ear.
Pedro Menéndez

United States

This period of church history is very interesting and crucial. How wonderful it is when we consider that the Lord has only praises for their situation and nothing else. In this letter the Lord does not have one word of rebuke. There are words of warning, and we should pay attention to them, but there is no rebuke at all. How good it is that such a holy and true One would show us His smiling face! Of course, this is the proper condition for Christians to have all the time. But we have to praise God that in the history of the church, although the condition of Philadelphia was not found before this time, Philadelphians already existed. When John was writing this letter, there were already people like those described here. The more adverse the condition in the world, the more the Lord praised them. No matter how much opposition there was in the environment, nothing could stop them from being the Philadelphians. Circumstances could not stop them. On the contrary, these encouraged them to become the Philadelphians. This is the condition for being a Philadelphian. If we have the spirit of the Philadelphians, all the sins in the world or in the church will only make us more Philadelphian.

The Christian (3): Meditations on Revelation

bye Watchman Nee (LSM)

Hannah Kwan

Temerloh, Malaysia


Rose-Marie Payette

Surrey, BC, Canada

Hallelujah, OVERCOMERS, "In the temple of My God, I will build them as pillars, nevermore to go abroad."

God's own NAME is written on them. And the new Name of the LORD.

With the Triune God they're blended

They're the CITY OF OUR GOD!!! ☀️


Yucaipa, CA

Lord, for the sake of Your building, make us pillars and pillar builders!

Piano Hymns