Recall how David swore

CB1248 Cs603 D1248 E1248 F158 G1248 K1001 LSM256 P398 R612 S381 T1248
Recall how David swore,
"I'll not come into my house,
Nor go up to my bed,
Give slumber to mine eyelids,
Until I find a place for Thee,
A place, O Lord, for Thee."
Our mighty God desires a home
Where all His own may come.
How blinded we have been,
Shut in with what concerns us;
While God's house lieth waste—
Lord, break through, overturn us;
We'll go up to the mountain,
Bring wood and build the house;
We'll never say, "Another day!"
It's time! We'll come and build!
O Lord, against these days,
Inspire some for Your building,
Just as in David's day—
A remnant who are willing
To come and work in Your house,
Oh, what a blessed charge!
Your heart's desire, is our desire—
We come, O Lord, to build.
Within those whom You'd call
Put such a restless caring
For building to give all—
These times are for preparing;
The gates of hell cannot prevail
Against the builded Church!
The hours are few, the builders too—
Lord, build, O build in us!
(Repeat the last four lines)

Malabon, Pampanga, Philippines

Lord thank You for touching my Heart once again, today we should not be proud to ourselves and say it's not yet time, for us to turn to You and build Your house we can build it tomorrow because there are many tomorrows ahead of us. We should realized that many saints is doubling their effort even tripling their efforts for Building the house of God because we turned our back to the Lord. I am guilty for this and yet after hearing this hymn again and reading some comments from the saints it is like Lord here am I, send me for Your building today is the time. You shall have Your Home today not tomorrow. Today is the time to build Your house with the saints... We should not sleep until Your home is finished. I love You Lord! I love you brothers and sisters... Let us all build together the house of Jehovah our God. Today is the time to gather all the precious materials which prepares by the Lord Himself for His building. Hallelujah for Christ!


Aberdeen, Proving Ground, Maryland, United States

This is a very beautiful and touching hymn that reminds us that we should not delay the interest of our Lord Jesus on earth. Most of us sometimes forget because we still are focused on our own personal interest even though we know and have clearly seen the vision the Lord had shown us. May the grace and mercy of God be upon each and everyone of us that we all may be built up together so we may be His corporate expression and be His dwelling place....His Home....and our home. Saints...Let us focus on what the Lord desire and hasten His coming. Lord Jesus we love You!

Helen Lim

Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada

O, what a consecration to Christ and the church. May the Lord give us a restless caring to give all for the building. Lord, break through, overturn us. Your heart's desire is our desire. We hear Your calling. We come, O Lord, to build. For Your sake, Lord, build in us!

Epaphroditus Enoch Gadzeti

Ho, Volta Region, Ghana

God should give me a mind to recall how David swore to build a house for the Lord. It is my turn to go up to the mountains to bring wood to build the house. I must not waste the time because the hours are few. If really we love the Lord, let's pay the price to go up to the mountains to bring building materials for God's building. Hallelujah!!!


Johannesburg, South Africa

Oh Lord Jesus give us more grace for building.

Lord build oh build in us.


CA, United States

Lord, O Lord build in us!


Toronto, Canada

I just returned from a young people's retreat, and we sang this hymn on the final Lord's day morning. For some reason, I was brought to tears. I have known this hymn for a long time, but had never payed much attention to the lyrics. The Lord simply wants a home, a family, a bride. I imagine how many times I return home from school, or from being out in the world, and I know how good it feels to be home. And this is all the Lord is longing for, but so many times I am concerned with my own needs, and my own desires.

We need to let the Lord make his home in OUR hearts.

The Lord is waiting for US to build His home.

Lord, break through, overturn us

Lord, build, O build in us!

Joselito Cua

Zamboanga, Zamboanga Peninsula, Philippines

When we truly love the Lord, we became one with His desire! God needs a building for Himself, a place where He can rest forever with His chosen people! He needs us to build His church in this generation. Oh may we see this revelation! May we give our all for this building. No more excuses, no more reservation but fully submitting our will to His will! Amen.

Gabriel Gagno

Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines

Lord Jesus! Build more of Yourself into us! O so that we can enjoy You and express only You! Lord cause us to take You as the center and the reality of our Church Life! Make us overcome this age by imparting more of Your divine nature into us!


Baguio, Benguet, Philippines

Lord, we take You as the Builder in our hearts and in our whole being, so that You have the way in us, to get what You're after. O build us, O build us in Yourself and in Your body. Make us an overcomer of today that one day we will be reigning with You. Praise You for making Yourself always available for us. Even in songs You can express Yourself just right there for us. Hallelujah!

Whether or not the new way will be successful ultimately depends on everyone prophesying. If the practice of everyone prophesying cannot be successfully carried out, we will fall back to the old way of one man speaking. It is very easy for one person to speak, but it is much more difficult for everyone to prophesy in a district meeting; it is hard for the speakers as well as the listeners. Many times we have an experience of hearing a speaking that points directly to our situation and exposes us in the light even though our name is never mentioned. The goal of the new way is for everyone to be on an "operating table," letting the Lord as the great Physician operate on us. As a result, our condition will improve, and God will gain a dwelling place. This is the built-up church, which the enemy fears: "The gates of hell cannot prevail / Against the builded church!" (Hymns, #1248).

Piano Hymns