Deeper, deeper, in the cross of Jesus

CB1240 Cs406 D1240 E1240 G1240 K832 LSM254 R609 T1240
Deeper, deeper, in the cross of Jesus;
  Deeper let me go;
Death and life, they always go together;
  Deepen, Lord, the flow.
    Oh, deeper yet we pray,
    Do work in us each day;
    Go deeper, through and through,
    Till in Thee we're wholly new.
Higher, higher, in the life of Jesus;
  Lord, we are so low.
By Thy life we all can go much higher—
  Higher let us go.
    Oh, higher yet we pray—
    Transform us every day—
    And richer in the flow;
    May Thy life be all we know.
Growing, growing, in us He is growing,
  More and more each day.
Into all our living He is flowing—
  This is now His way.
    For growth, O Lord, we pray;
    Increase in us each day.
    It's not enough to know;
    Now Thy life in us must grow.
Living, living, Christ is all our living,
  He's so practical:
Small things, big things, anything and all things—
  He's involved in all.
    Live Christ in every way;
    Oh, live Him out today.
    His name you now must call,
    And give Him your all for all.
Person, Person, Jesus is our Person,
  Living now in us.
He's our tastes, our attitudes and actions;
  Oh, how glorious!
    Our Person, Lord, Thou art
    Make home in all our heart.
    As life in every way
    Be our Person, Lord, each day.
Churches, churches, in the local churches
  We all find the flow:
Deeper, higher, Christ as all our living,
  For the church we grow.
    The churches are today
    Just Christ in every way.
    For this, from self we cease,
    For Thy Body, Thine increase.
Building, building, we will see the building
  Of the church this way:
Christ experienced will produce the building—
  He's the only way.
    Oh, build us, Lord, we pray,
    By growth of life each day.
    Oh, make us now such men
    For the new Jerusalem.
Coming, coming, Jesus soon is coming
  For His chosen Bride.
In the churches we are all preparing
  To be glorified.
    Lord Jesus, come again
    This cry is deep within
    We'll praise Thee to the end,
    Oh, come back! Come back! Amen!
Hming Than Zuala

Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia

I really enjoying this song went I read morning revival week 12 day 4. O LORD

Deborah Aung

It would be great, if you could add Hymns number.

But I still enjoy.

Thibaut Hang

Cotonou, Atlantic, Ethiopia

What a hymn ! Lord deeper and deeper in Your cross we must go and then experience resurrection. Higher and higher in Your life I must grow. Living Christ all the way. Lord do make Your home in all our heart more and more and build us up together. New Jerusalem we must become hallelujah !


Gain the one new man Lord (Colossians)

Amos Kimani

Naivasha, Nakuru, Kenya

Jesus come back come back amen

James Shau

Cupertino, California, United States

I've been appreciating this hymn much. Inspired by the recent 2019 Fall ITERO on "The One New Man Fulfulling God's Eternal Purpose in Creating Man", I added the following stanza as "stanza 7'" betwen the original stanza 7 on building and stanza 8 on the Lord's coming:

(This song, with the original stanzas plus the new may be considered as my summary of the 2019 Fall ITERO training. )

7' New man, new man, God's eternal purpose -- He'd be expressed in man.

Christ the second man / on the cross in Himself / created the new man.

Oh, drink of the Spirit. Let our mind be renewed.

Full grown man we arrive -- One new man Christ's all in all.

It is the full grown new man, who is also the prepared bride, that will bring the Lord back (stanza 8).

All the previous existing stanzas of Hymn 1240 cover crucial aspects of the one new man (shaded in blue in the pdf files): experiences of the cross, growth in life into Him the Head in all things in our practical living, taking Christ as our person, and the building up of the Body in the local churches with a view unto the New Jerusalem. (They, however, did not touch the oneness and, interestingly, no mentioning of spirit, either the human spirit or the divine Spirit. ) As brother spoke in the last message of the training, we should now see all these with the "lens" of the new man. Living Christ, for example, is no longer an aspiration according to the word (Phil. 1:19-21), which some might possibly apply somewhat personally only, but rather a necessary condition to arrive at the full grown corporate new man, fulfilling God's eternal purpose.

"Full grown man we arrive" (Eph. 4:13) may include the burdens, at least in parts, of messages 5, 6, and 8:

- Message 5: Laboring according to God's operation to present every Believer Full-grown in Christ for the function and consummation of the one new man.

- Message 6: The prayer needed for the reality and practicality of the one new man.

The part on the prayer that responds and correponds to Christ's heavenly ministry in intercession, ministering and administration.

The other key burdens of message 6 are the condition of prayer and the life of prayer as the first God-man Jesus lived as recorded in the gospel. This may be included in "the life of Jesus" in stanza 1.

- Message 8: Carrying out the stewardship of God for the one new man.


Corning, NY, United States

My dad of 88 went to be home with Jesus listening to this hymn.

Paula Gittens

St. Georges, Grenada

Amen... Lord Jesus for Your joy and pleasure make us such men.. we love You.


Lagos, Nigeria

I am impressed with the flow of this hymn. This is the story of our Christian Life. The life we experience in verse 1 will consummate in the New Jerusalem.

Ann Barton

Joshua Tree, CA, United States

Oh deeper yet we pray. Transform us every day. Deeper in Thy cross. And higher make the flow.

Piano Hymns