Years I spent in sorrow 'round the cross

C1208 E1208 G1208 K834 LSM219 R472 T1208
Years I spent in sorrow 'round the cross,
Still repenting over sins and dross.
Then at last the river I did cross,
  To touch the throne.
Mercy now is flowing, oh, the grace—
That I find of Him to run the race!
Boldly now I come again to taste
    My glorious Lord.
In my Christian life I'd daily fall,
So I answered every altar-call,
Till I left the altar, left it all,
  To touch the throne.
Brothers, to the Holiest forward come;
Leave your sins behind, the race now run.
Hallelujah! All the work is done—
  The veil is gone!
Now within the veil, enjoying God,
Manna, law of life, and budding rod;
Christ Himself, the ark, is our abode—
Clare Lin

Berkeley, CA, United States

Hallelujah! Christ has met all of God's righteous requirements! Now it is no longer you and I who strive to live, only to fail again and again, but Christ who lives and flows freely, gloriously, and victoriously in and through us! Truly, He is worthy of all our praise! Brothers (and sisters!)- to the holiest FORWARD COME!

Piano Hymns