God gave His Son to man to be

CB1145 Cs210 D1145 E1145 G1145 LSM162 R362 S226 T1145
God gave His Son to man to be
The tree of life so rich and free,
That every man may taste and see
  That God is good for food.
    Yes, God is good for food!
    Yes, God is good for food!
    We've tasted and we testify
    That God is good for food!
We eat this feast and take God in,
And as we eat we live by Him,
For all the elements within
  This feast are God Himself.
    Yes, Jesus is our feast!
    Yes, Jesus is our feast!
    We eat this feast and live by Him,
    For Jesus is our feast!
Christ Jesus is the food we eat;
He is our bread, He is our meat;
He is our life-supply complete;
  We daily eat of Him.
    We daily eat of Him,
    We daily eat of Him.
    He is our life-supply complete;
    We daily eat of Him.
This feast is so enjoyable;
To men it's so available,
For God said whosoever will
  May come and freely eat.
    Yes, come and freely eat;
    Yes, come and freely eat.
    For God said whosoever will
    May come and freely eat.
Jared Huang

Austin, Texas, United States

God is good for food!

Peter Porker

Irvine, CA, United States


Matthew and Jonathan

Irvine, CA, United States

Jesus is the food we eat! He is our life supply complete!!!

Caroline Diller

Austin, Texas, United States

For God said whosoever will may come and freely eat!


Atlanta, GA, United States

For God said whosoever will may come and freely eat! Amen!

Tim Ou

Austin, Texas, United States

God is good for food!


Austin, TX, United States

For God said whosoever will

May come and freely eat!

Amen that God is good for food!

Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

Yes, God is good for food!


Tbilisi, Georgia

Jesus is our real feast!! hallelujah!!! let us keep the feast !!!

    We’ve tasted and we testify

    That God is good for food!

every man may taste and see

  That God is good for food Amen!!

we just praise You Lord!!

Paul Bowen

Urbana, IL, United States

Our Passover, Christ, also has been sacrificed, so then let us keep the feast. 1 Cor. 5:7-8a

The only way to eliminate sin is to daily eat Christ as the crucified, resurrected, and sinless life. Yes, Jesus is our feast!

The oneness that God desires with man is illustrated by what takes place when we eat, digest, and assimilate food. When you eat a sandwich, your stomach works to digest and assimilate the contents of that sandwich. Another word for this process is dispensing. Digestion and assimilation are dispensing. After a few hours, the sandwich disappears within you to become one with you. Eventually, the sandwich is mingled with you. This is the kind of oneness God desires to have with man. To obtain this oneness God has made Himself edible. He is the bread of life (John 6:35, 57). The first stanza and chorus of hymn #1145 in Hymns say:

God gave His Son to man to be

The tree of life so rich and free,

That every man may taste and see

That God is good for food.

Yes, God is good for food!

Yes, God is good for food!

We've tasted and we testify

That God is good for food!

Our God is good for food. He is not only good for salvation and redemption; He is also good for food. In John 6:51 Jesus said, "I am the living bread which came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he shall live forever." In the wilderness the children of Israel ate manna every day (Exo. 16:14-15, 21). They lived on that supply of manna for forty years. In the Gospel of John, the Lord Jesus revealed Himself as the real manna. He should not be eaten only once a year but every day. Jesus is our daily manna. We must eat Him every day.

We need to eat Him every day, and we need to be revived by Him each day. In the ancient time, the Israelites had to collect the manna before the rising of the sun, because when the sun became hot, the manna melted (Exo. 16:21). It is the same with our practice of morning revival. We must rise up early. If you are lazy and like to sleep late in the morning, you will miss the manna. You need to rise earlier, before the rising of the sun, in order to pick up Christ as your daily manna. You must eat Christ. This is the divine thought in the divine Word.

Piano Hymns