Seven Spirits of our God

CB1122 Cs102 E1122 F51 G1122 K814 R187 S136 T1122
"Seven Spirits" of our God—
Lo, the age has now been turned
To the Spirit with the Son.
For the churches He's concerned.
Come, O seven Spirits, come,
Thy recovery work be done!
Burn and search us thoroughly,
All the churches are for Thee.
  Burn us, search us,
  All the churches are for Thee!
Sevenfold the Spirit is
For the deadness of the church,
That the saints may turn and live,
That the Lord may burn and search.
Now the Spirit of our God
Has become intensified:
'Tis not one but sevenfold
That the church may be supplied!
Now the seven Spirits are
Seven lamps of burning fire,
Not to teach us, but to burn,
Satisfying God's desire.
See the seven Spirits now—
Seven piercing, searching eyes.
In the church exposing us,
All the church He purifies.
Seven Spirits doth the Lord
For the churches now employ;
All those in the local church
May this Spirit now enjoy.
Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

This hymn is based on "Come, Lord, as the Spirit come" by Charles W. Fry.

Cathy Diamante

Baguio City, Philippines

Hallelujah for the Sevenfold Intensified Spirits of God!!!!!

Lord, burn us thoroughly!

Саша лучкин

Раменское, Russia

Семикратный Дух,приди!Нас вполне восстанови! Мой любимый гимн:-)

Piano Hymns