How we love the glorious name

CB1086 E1086 F224 G1086 K818 LSM17 P43 R64 S46
How we love the glorious name,
  The name of Jesus!
'Tis the name above all names—
  On earth or in heav'n.
As we breathe this precious name,
  Darkness and death cannot remain;
For we call and get the Person of that name!
Dear Lord Jesus, with our tongues—
  We gladly confess Thy name,
To the glory of the Father God above.
  For to us to speak Thy praise,
Is the enjoyment of our days;
  Calling JESUS is to call the One we love!

Kampala, Uganda

O Lord Jesus. Is to call the One we love


Dallas, TX, United States

Touching Jesus is all that really matters

And your life will never be the same

For there is always one way to really touch Him

Just believe when you call on His name!

Sister Vali Ruth

Tirane, Albania

Calling JESUS is to call the One we love!

Launa Freitag

Gainesville, FL, United States


Anitha Nokku

Santa Ana, California, United States

Amen! Which means “oh Lord Jesus! ” We call upon your name Lord Jesus, your name is victorious living name which cannot hold death and darkness.

By calling your name we touch your presence, Jesus Christ is the Lord!

Ann L Wong

United States

Touching Jesus is all that matters,

Then your life will never be the same;

There is only one way to touch Him,

Just believe when you call on His name.

Jason Ramirez Gutierrez

Bakersfield, California, United States

Yes I agree darkness and death cannot remain. JESUS IS LORD!! He is our enjoyment day by day moment by moment. God bless Christ Jesus' economy and oneness.


United States

Darkness and death cannot remain;



Hallelujah. Touching Jesus is all that really matters!!!!!


Vista, CA, United States

1 Cor. 1:2b ... with all those who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in every place.

Breath and enjoy His precious name with someone, how excellent if He returns finding us doing such things!

EPH. 1:19a Speaking to one another in psalms...

Piano Hymns