If I gained the world, but lost the Savior,
Were my life worth living for a day?
Could my yearning heart find rest and comfort
In the things that soon must pass away?
If I gained the world, but lost the Savior,
Would my gain be worth the lifelong strife?
Are all earthly pleasures worth comparing
For a moment with a Christ-filled life?
Were my life worth living for a day?
Could my yearning heart find rest and comfort
In the things that soon must pass away?
If I gained the world, but lost the Savior,
Would my gain be worth the lifelong strife?
Are all earthly pleasures worth comparing
For a moment with a Christ-filled life?
Had I wealth and love in fullest measure,
And a name revered both far and near,
Yet no hope beyond, no harbor waiting,
Where my storm-tossed vessel I could steer;
If I gained the world, but lost the Savior,
Who endured the cross and died for me,
Could then all the world afford a refuge,
Whither, in my anguish, I might flee?
And a name revered both far and near,
Yet no hope beyond, no harbor waiting,
Where my storm-tossed vessel I could steer;
If I gained the world, but lost the Savior,
Who endured the cross and died for me,
Could then all the world afford a refuge,
Whither, in my anguish, I might flee?
O what emptiness!—without the Savior
'Mid the sins and sorrows here below!
And eternity, how dark without Him!
Only night and tears and endless woe!
What, though I might live without the Savior,
When I come to die, how would it be?
O to face the valley's gloom without Him!
And without Him all eternity!
'Mid the sins and sorrows here below!
And eternity, how dark without Him!
Only night and tears and endless woe!
What, though I might live without the Savior,
When I come to die, how would it be?
O to face the valley's gloom without Him!
And without Him all eternity!
O the joy of having all in Jesus!
What a balm the broken heart to heal!
Ne'er a sin so great, but He'll forgive it,
Nor a sorrow that He does not feel!
If I have but Jesus, only Jesus,
Nothing else in all the world beside—
O then everything is mine in Jesus;
For my needs and more He will provide.
What a balm the broken heart to heal!
Ne'er a sin so great, but He'll forgive it,
Nor a sorrow that He does not feel!
If I have but Jesus, only Jesus,
Nothing else in all the world beside—
O then everything is mine in Jesus;
For my needs and more He will provide.
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Manila, Philippines
Amen. O the joy of having all in Jesus!
London, United Kingdom
It is a song that steers the heart to a deeper, wider and higher consecration and commitment before the LORD JESUS: after all if you don't have JESUS, I really don't know what you have got that can truly and completely settle your heart's yearning for real joy and eternal peace in a world vexed in transient transition and certain uncertainties like our ever changing weather.
Viseia, CA, United States
Abuja, Fct, Nigeria
Here is the song that has always bring me to deeper consecration to my Lord Jesus.
And by His grace align myself more to the Saviour's cross, my heart is tuned more to the narrow way that the Lord has paved to take to Eternal Bliss.
It has been a great delight to sing this song to my soul over and over, and to minister with it to the Lord's People over the years.
Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
I have always loved to sing this song and thought I did so from my heart. Until I was taken to a place where I lost everything. How I struggled 'against the pricks' and tried to protect myself against loss. But finally my Dear Jesus was able to bring me to the place of surrender where I was able to say: 'Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him. Yes to Jesus for whatever He desires.' Now my heart can truly sing the words: 'Oh the joy of having all in Jesus, Nothing else in all the world beside.' What a joy to learn to trust that Love.
Likasi, Katanga, Democratic Republic Of Congo
Thank You for Your love my Lord Jesus. I need Your help not to forget these words anymore :"Never a sin so great, but He'll forgive it,
Nor a sorrow that He does not feel!
If I have but Jesus, only Jesus,
Nothing else in all the world beside—
O then everything is mine in Jesus;
For my needs and more He will provide." So may I live a life of a winner.
Boroondara, Victoria, Australia
Lord, remind me of the words in this song always, Lord.
Ontario, Canada
I'm so thankful to my Lord for such a wonderful reality. Had I not met the Lord when I did, I don't know where I'd be. By His mercy He is keeping me from a life of emptiness, seeking success and a revered name. Praise Him! NONE OF THESE THINGS ARE WORTH COMPARING WITH A MERE MOMENT WITH A CHRIST-FILLED LIFE! Thank You Lord Jesus for Your great mercy! A worthless sinner but chosen and loved by You, thank You Lord! If I have but Jesus, only Jesus! Praise our glorious Lord!
Fife, United Kingdom
What a joy to find this old hymn on the net after not hearing it for years! I can't read it without feeling moved! What a challenge and an inspiration! Anna Olander certainly lived near to Christ before she was able to write these wonderful words! May we all be inspired to have depth and substance in our hymns that we choose to sing and our lives! In the words of another hymn, "Only one life, t'will soon be passed, only what's done for Christ will last! Wishing all readers God's blessings!
Lake Tomahawk, Wisconsin, United States
This song says it all! A life without the Lord is no life at all. Oh that more people might know Him as their personal Saviour!