Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry

Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I cry;
Unless Thou save me, I must die:
Oh, bring Thy free salvation nigh,
  And take me as I am!
  And take me as I am!
  And take me as I am!
My only plea—Christ died for me!
    Oh, take me as I am!
Helpless I am, and full of guilt;
But yet for me Thy blood was spilt,
And Thou canst make me what Thou wilt,
  And take me as I am.
No preparation can I make,
My best resolves I only break,
Yet save me for Thine own Name's sake,
  And take me as I am.
Behold me, Savior, at Thy feet,
Deal with me as Thou seest meet;
Thy work begin, Thy work complete,
  But take me as I am.

Anchorage, Alaska, United States

My Father and my Creature, you knew me before I was born. You have a purpose in my life. Behold me, Savoir at Thy feet, deal with me as Thou seest me, Thy work begin, Thy work complete, Father take me as I am!

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

Years ago, while re­viv­al meet­ings were be­ing held in one of the large towns in Scot­land, a young girl be­came anx­ious about her spir­it­u­al con­di­tion. Re­turn­ing from one of the meet­ings, she went to her own min­is­ter and asked him how she might be saved.

“Ah, lass­ie,” he said, “don’t be alarmed! Just read your Bi­ble and say your pray­ers, and you will be all right.”

But the poor, il­lit­er­ate girl cried out: “O Min­is­ter, I can­na read, I can­na pray! Lord Je­sus, take me as I am!”

In this way the girl became a fol­low­er of Christ; and a la­dy who heard of the girl’s ex­per­i­ence wrote this hymn…I found the vers­es in a re­li­gious news­pa­per and set them to the sim­ple mu­sic by which they are now most gen­er­al­ly known. At the same time Mr. Steb­bins al­so found the vers­es and set them to mu­sic, and he sent them to me at the same time that I was send­ing my tune for the same words to him. In “Gos­pel Hymns” both tunes are pub­lished.

A min­is­ter in Eng­land writes to me about a Christ­ian wo­man, a shoe­mak­er’s wife, who had a lodg­er that was an ob­stin­ate un­be­liev­er. “The good wo­man oft­en tried to in­duce him to go to meet­ings, but in vain. Tracts which she placed on the ta­ble in his room she found crushed on the floor. She would smooth them out and again place them so as to at­tract his at­ten­tion, but he would read no­thing but his no­vels and news­pa­pers. One spring the old man fell ill with bron­chi­tis. The good wo­man act­ed as his nurse, for he had no rel­a­tives who cared for him. She used the op­por­tun­i­ty, oft­en speak­ing to him about his soul and read­ing the Word of God; but she could make no im­press­ion up­on him. One day she was read­ing the hymn ‘Je­sus, my Lord, to Thee I cry,’ and when she came to the re­frain, the old man called out to her sharply: ‘That’s not in the book!’ The wo­man an­swered, ‘Why yes, it is.’ He de­clared again that he did not be­lieve it was in the book. The good wo­man told him that he could read it for him­self. He asked for his glass­es, and read with won­der and amaze­ment, again and again, ‘My on­ly plea—Christ died for me! oh, take me as I am.’ A few weeks af­ter­ward he said to the wo­man one morn­ing, ‘I am go­ing home to-day, and I am so hap­py, so hap­py!’ In an hour or two he passed away, re­peat­ing those words to the last.”

-Story of Gospel Hymns by Ira Sankey


Lusaka, Zambia

Most of the hymns are ever green song!!! They never fade and they are ever refreshing.

J.O. Oluleye.R

London, United Kingdom

Behold me, Savior, at Thy feet,

Deal with me as Thou seest meet;

Thy work begin, Thy work complete,

But take me as I am.

Tochukwu Obinna

Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

This piece is a powerful consecrational prayer.

Each line is the deepest cry of my heart.

It is awesome to know that as we go to God in simple faith that He is willing to recieve us just as we are and make the best out of our lives.

Oh Father, complete the work You began in our lives, Amen.

Mark Whisenant

Orange, Ca., United States

Thank you for the great old songs! "I love them!"


Ph, Rivers, Nigeria

My best resolves I only break, yet Lord save me for Thine own name's sake and take me as I am.

Lanre F

Lagos, Nigeria

Deal with me as Thou seest meet;

Thy work begin, Thy work complete,


Lanre Oriola

Lagos, Nigeria

I plead the same here. Lord, take me as I am and save me for Thine own sake.

Nnadi Gift

Abuja, Nigeria

Jesus I am a sinner but just take me as I am, do not look at my sin.