On which the Lord of glory died,
Our richest gain we count but loss,
And pour contempt on all our pride.
Save in the death of Christ, our Lord;
All the vain things that charm us most,
We'd sacrifice them to His blood.
Sorrow and love flowed mingled down;
Did e'er such love and sorrow meet,
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
Spreads o'er His body on the tree;
To all the world then am I dead,
And all the world is dead to me.
That were an offering far too small;
Love that transcends our highest pow'rs,
Demands our heart, our life, our all.
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Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
Thank You Jesus for saving me through the Cross. What I am today comes only through Your death. I love You Jesus.
London, United Kingdom
Did ever such love and sorrow meet or thorns compose so rich a crown?
Such love that transcends our highest powers demands our heart, our life, and our all! Amen Lord! Make Your home in our hearts and build Your body. Amen!
Lagos, Nigeria
Beautiful song. The precious cross where my Saviour shed His blood and washed away my sins and redeemed my life from destruction. Thank You Jesus. You are my life my everything. Praise God.
Nottingham, United Kingdom
I pray that God will help me with my pride. I love the line.... And pour contempt on all my pride. I love this greatly inspired hymn. I agree with everyone else, it definitely should be sung in the singular.
Tiruvalla, Kerala, India
I fully agree with the comment of 20th July 2014. It should be sung in the singular.
NYC, NY, United States
This beautiful and precious hymn written by such a gifted lover of God, should never be sung in the plural. It should always be sung in the singular as Isaac Watts meant it to be sung. Try to sing it in the singular, in a prayerful way and you will understand what I mean.
Leicester, United Kingdom
My all time favourite hymn ~ although I much prefer the original words that use "I" and not "we" and "our" making it more personal and in my opinion, meaningful.
I have often thought of the words when I have been too selfish and used them to regain perspective.
Jomtien Beach, Chonburi, Thailand
Isaac Watts has penned such absolutely awe-inspiring words which have been a beacon of light and a compass of hope to me in my 60 years of missionary service. Rev. Charles Wesley reportedly said he would “give up all his other hymns to have written this one. His words bring boldness in the face of Satan's attacks, and comfort and solace in times of discouragement.”
Watts expresses his reverence, respect, wonder, sublimity and gratitude when contemplating the cross. It is indeed, a holy cross, but in this hymn, it is "wondrous". It leaves us speechless when we contemplate this wonder of wonders. In what does this wonder consist? On this undignified, ignominious cruel object, the wooden cross, placed between another two which bore the bodies of criminals, on this ignominious object we do not have a criminal but the "Prince of Glory".
Words like these far surpass the limits of our human reasoning. Why should a prince, THE Prince, die on such a symbol of ignominity? Everything fades into oblivion as we try to understand, as we contemplate: "my richest gain I count but loss". Our pride, the pride of us mortals, is so absurd, when placed in this context, as to be contemptible, "pour contempt on all my pride". If anyone deserved to be proud and exalted it is this Prince of Glory that chose to die with such humility. It has been a lesson in humility for me as I have served the poor and needy. A person contemplating the cross loses all sense of pride. He stands naked before the cross, stripped of whatever in which He takes pride.
The blood flowing from His head, hands and feet becomes of the mingling of sorrow and love. It becomes sorrow for the pain and suffering and love because He bore this for each one of us. Sorrow and love "flow down", down to those who stand at the foot of the cross, to those who boast in the cross, those that embrace the life-giving cross.
May the words of this greatest of hymns and the other great hymns of the church bless and inspired you as the have me in my years of service in the Lord’s kingdom.--Dr Johannes Maas, president, Worldwide Faith Missions