What can wash away my sin

C684 CB1008 E1008 G1008 K684 LSM294 P448 R745 S471
What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus;
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
Oh! precious is the flow
That makes me white as snow;
No other fount I know,
  Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
For my cleansing this I see—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
For my pardon this my plea—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Nothing can my sin erase
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Naught of works, 'tis all of grace—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
This is all my hope and peace—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
This is all my righteousness—
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

Lagos, Nigeria

Thank You, Jesus, for this blood.

Felix Eruoma

Lagos, Nigeria

What a precious blood that washes the heart of men.

Queen Esther Ogbuehi

Lagos, Nigeria

God, may Your will be done in my life.

Titus K.

Meru, Eatern, Kenya

I thank GOD for the blood of His Son JESUS Christ!


Mississauga, ON, Canada

Glory to God Almighty for His compassion and His lovingkindness for us. The blood of Jesus is enough for me and is my only hope in this life. I really thank God for His mercy.

Thank you very much for bringing this song up. God bless you.



The last stanza goes:

Glory, glory now I sing,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

All my praise to Thee I bring,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.


California, United States

Gorgeous mp3 of this song! It really touched me. It was already in my worship set for the weekend, this just confirmed that it needs to be there. Thank you for this great resource!

Gordon Kayes

United Kingdom

Just a general comment- have searched for a long time for a site like this. with words and music of all our lovely old hymns which seem to be forgotten- even discarded today.

Thank you for all your work in setting this up.

Simon David

Saudi Arabia

I am the worst sinner/hypocrite! Yet the Lord in His mercy washed me in His blood and made me as white as snow. May I not frustrate this grace.

As long as someone is alive don't rule out the work of the blood of Jesus Christ on such a person, just pray for the person.



Inspired from Psalm 51, the Psalm that David wrote and perhaps sang. Overwhelmed by what he had done to Uriah, his wife and the child that God rejected, the David who in his youth stood up to fight for God's Israel, cries out aloud to seek if there was any way this sin (murder of an upright man, adultery, etc) he planned and saw through, if there was any way his sins could be cleansed.

Piano Hymns