
C476 E8476 F129 P329 R413 S300 T1353
Sam Liu

New York City, NY, United States

这是一个奉献的祷告,每清晨,我们能够向主如此的诉说,活在生命光中, 瞻仰恩主慈容, 顺从圣灵感动 。


Ho To

Hong Kong

Thank you for the guitar chords.

Whenever we sense that we have sinned, we need to ask the Lord for forgiveness. Once we confess our sins, God will forgive us of our sins, and the precious blood of Christ will cleanse us from them. We also should realize that the Holy Spirit and Christ's precious blood are related; where the cleansing of the precious blood is, there the anointing of the Holy Spirit is. When we confess our sins and the precious blood cleanses us, the Holy Spirit immediately ministers to us and supplies us within. Hymn #476 in our Chinese hymnal says, "Live in the light of life, / Sweet fellowship maintain; / Behold His gracious face, / Each day more glory gain, / The Spirit's move obey, I Rejoice and praise and pray; / Live in the light of life," Every day as we live in the light of life in order to have fellowship with the Lord, His blood cleanses us from our sins so that we may experience the Holy Spirit's inspiring, leading, and supplying us inwardly, which causes us to be saved and to overcome. This kind of living is truly wonderful.