You come to me with a sword and a spear

You come to me with a sword and a spear,
But I come to you in the name of the God of the ranks of Israel,
Whom you've defied, but on this day
Jehovah will deliver you into my hand!
It's not by sword (or shield) that Jehovah saves,
For the battle is the Lord's, He will prevail!
Then all our shame will be turned away;
And all the earth will know there's a God in Israel!
The giant rose and came to fight,
And David hurried, running to the battle line!
He chose a stone from the five in his sack
And slung it quickly at that giant, just in time!
Goliath tall had a giant fall!
Brave David won that day with just a stone and sling!
Their giant dead, the Philistines fled,
And Israel chased them that whole day far, far away!
Myrna Gabriola

Valenzuela City, Philippines

Amen, I will teach this song on March 23, 2013. It's our children's recognition day. Thanks.

Jogylle Jomari Erojo

Cabadbaran City, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines

The children love this story very much and enjoy the song again and again. Amen.

Maria Kim

New York City, New York, United States

Inspiring words and music. I've enjoyed listening to this children's hymn over and over again.

Susan Sauer

Wheaton, IL, United States

Thank you so much for sharing this. I LOVE it! :)