Death cannot hold the resurrection life,
The life of God eternal manifest;
'Tis uncreated, indestructible,
'Tis Christ Himself, unconqu'rable, expressed.
The life of God eternal manifest;
'Tis uncreated, indestructible,
'Tis Christ Himself, unconqu'rable, expressed.
Death cannot hold the resurrection life,
Though all its force against it may combine;
Death only gives it opportunity
To show the boundless pow'r of life divine.
Though all its force against it may combine;
Death only gives it opportunity
To show the boundless pow'r of life divine.
Death cannot hold the resurrection life,
The more interred, the more it multiplies;
All kinds of suff'ring only help it grow
And fruits of life abundant realize.
The more interred, the more it multiplies;
All kinds of suff'ring only help it grow
And fruits of life abundant realize.
Death cannot hold the resurrection life,
Thru every block and barrier it breaks;
Conqu'ring the pow'r of darkness and of hell,
It swallows death and victory partakes.
Thru every block and barrier it breaks;
Conqu'ring the pow'r of darkness and of hell,
It swallows death and victory partakes.
Death cannot hold the resurrection life,
All of God's fulness it will manifest;
God's righteousness and holiness it yields,
His glorious image by it is expressed.
All of God's fulness it will manifest;
God's righteousness and holiness it yields,
His glorious image by it is expressed.
Oh, may I know this resurrection life,
In every kind of death its pow'r outpoured,
In my experience ever realize
This life is nought but Christ my living Lord.
In every kind of death its pow'r outpoured,
In my experience ever realize
This life is nought but Christ my living Lord.
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Minneapolis, MN, United States
Christ's experience is a marvelous spiritual application. Because this opens a way for the power of His resurrection to be expressed in an unlimited way.
Jasin, Melaka, Malaysia
I love Lord I started believing in the Lord when I was 6 and know I'm 12 soon going to be baptism I love the Lord
The Church In Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Thank You Lord for allowing us to partake of Your Resurrected Life! This is the Life of which now we can live, and it is eternal, Praise God for His way!
Santa Clara, CA, United States
Death can only give this resurrection life the opportunity to show its boundless power!
Mansfield, Ohio, United States
Thank you Phebe (see previous comment). Christ’s death and resurrection are the very core of our faith. God died as a man not just for redemption, but to bring us into the resurrection life. Oh may I know (experience) this resurrection life!. Without it we are totally hopeless. Yes, totally dead in our sins.
Miri, Malaysia
Lived again [in Revelation 2:8] refers to resurrection. The Lord suffered death and lived again. He entered into death, but death could not hold Him (Acts 2:24) because He is the resurrection (John 11:25). The suffering church needs to know Him as such a One also, so that she can endure any kind of suffering. However severe the suffering, the church will still be alive. The resurrection life of Christ can endure death. (Rev. 2:8, footnote 3)
Hence, God is not only the living God but also the God of resurrection. He died, but He overcame death. Death fought the Lord with all its might, but it could not conquer Him. The principle of resurrection is overcoming death and emerging from death. The God of resurrection has been tested and proven to possess an unshakable life. (CWWL, 1957, vol. 3, “The Living God and the God of Resurrection”, pp. 12-13)
Tampa, FL, United States
Praise the Lord! Thank you for your resurrection life!
Rudharavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India
Fort Stockton, TX, United States
Lord Jesus may I realize and experience You!!
Beaumont, TX, United States
God righteousness and holiness it yields!