Love Prevails, Never Fails

Love is the most excellent way,
  (Brothers) Love prevails! Never fails!
  (Sisters) Love prevails!
More than what we do or say,
  (Brothers) Love prevails! Never fails!
  (Sisters) Love prevails!
Love prevails when all else fails;
Love never fails!
The love described by God’s own word
Expresses God as life;
The life, a law, within God’s heart
Is the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
The love of God poured out from God,
Through Christ into our hearts,
Is nothing less than Christ Himself
Who spreads through all our parts.
It covers, bends, endures all things,
Love’s strength to last is great;
The love of God, like none on earth,
Cannot discriminate.
Now let this love, the love of Christ,
Support, sustain the weak;
Supply the love to build the church,
And care for all God’s sheep.
(cf. 2022 Spring ITERO, Message 1)
Raymond H

Richmond, BC, Canada

Love Prevails when all else fails! Love never fails.

Lord, infuse us with more of Love, more of Yourself. Our love is limited, our love is selective, but YOURS COVERS, BENDS, ENDURES ALL THINGS!

I first heard and enjoyed this with thousands of other Jesus lovers at the 2023 NACT. The Lord reminded me of this hymn recently. How we need more of His love in a time where division and self-interest permeate our age.

"Beloved, let us love one another, because love is of God, and everyone who loves has been begotten of God and knows God." (1 John 4:7)

Tirzah Lo & Laura E.

Dallas, Texas, United States

Amen! God’s love NEVER fails!

Joshua Penner

Anaheim, California, United States

When all else fails, love prevails!