Reigning life

How I love Your reigning life, Lord.
How I love abundant grace.
How I love to have Your presence,
As I live before Your face.
By Your life, Lord, I am reigning.
I am over, over everything.
As I’m joyfully confessing,
Jesus, as my Lord and King.
Sin, you helpless little fellow,
Lost your pow’r on Calvary.
I have made exchange of masters,
Now it’s Christ who rules in me.
World, with all your little trappings,
You oppress with doubts and cares.
I have found a new provider,
My anxiety He bears.
Self, you cruel manipulator,
You are wholly crucified,
I have no more need to struggle,
In Christ’s vict’ry I abide!
Lord, when You return in glory,
When You then the kingdom bring;
By Your life my Lord then make me
Manifested as a king.
Sherry Young

Temple City, CA, United States

Rom 5:17 - “For if, by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. ”

Maurice Ward

Irving, Texas, United States

We reign in by life by remaining under the reigning of the life within. The life within is a submitting life. The life within is a life under authority. The Lord as a man was one who had authority because He Himself lived as one under authority. This most clearly seen by the Roman centurion who stated that the Lord need not come to his home but to only say a word. He also said, "I too am one under authority." These words show us that he recognized the Lord as one who had authority because he perceived that the Lord was under authority.

When we become one's who live under the authority of God's life we then will reign through the life within us over all things.


Kampala, Uganda

I will leave to testify of God's goodness



I'm declaring - self, you cruel manipulator, you are crucified, totalmente, completament y absolutamente!


United States

Sin and Satan have no power over us! Hallelujah for the reigning life in Christ!


Costa Mesa, California, United States

We strongly declare sin and our self were crucified with Christ and have no power over us anymore.

Villaflor Aput Rodriguez

Cagayan De Oro City, Misamis Oriental, Philippines

Lord thank You for Your life that You dispensed into us.


Los Angeles, California, United States

Thank You Lord it's by YOUR life! We're not reigning in a merely outward way. The true reigning is letting this One and His life reign in us! In all our situations and crossroads, it's not our being able to will-power or triumph over things...the true reigning is learning to depend on this life. This is awesome.

Stephen Kim

Changwon, Kyeongnam, South Korea

We enjoyed this song recently with the saints. Thank the Lord, He is ruling in us, and making His overcomers, His bride.

Christopher Chiu

Bloomfield, Michigan, United States

Personally in our family life, as we are enjoying God's life in an abundant way, we shall reign over all the negative situations. Corporately in the church life, as we are being built up together in God's life, we as the Body shall crush Satan (Romans 5:17, 16:20). This is how Matthew 16:18 will be fulfilled.