All-fitting Life

We work together with God by a life,
We work together with God by a life:
(Brothers) Able to fit
(Sisters) All situations,
(Brothers) Able to endure
(Sisters) Any kind of treatment,
(All) To accept any kind of environment;
(Brothers) All-fitting life!
Able to work
In any condition,
To take any kind
Of opportunity
For the carrying out of our ministry;
All-fitting life!
We work together with God by a life,
We work together with God by a life:
All-fitting life.
John K

Simi Valley, CA, United States

Rejoice, again I say, rejoice! Paul found the secret to a joyful life -- truly I tell you! No matter where he was and what went on around him he still stayed fixed on the glorious beauty of Christ with the eyes of his heart, never losing sight of His tenderness!

Oto Saravia

Shreveport, LA, United States

What a life!!!! An all-fitting life!! This life is able to meet my needs, and is so powerful the life to undergo any kind of environments and situations, able to overcome and suffer evil, and is always leading us to resurrection. Oh what a fitting life we have, let us enjoy it and experience it more today...


United States

I am so encouraged by the comments below! Praise The Lord for His all sufficient life within us! It is only by staying in the Divine flow that we can live, grow, & be built up together to accomplish His heart's desire! Our life is so weak, but hallelujah that the Person in our spirit can live His all-fitting life out of us! We can cease our striving and let Him be The Lord!!!


Brentwood, CA, United States

2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound unto you, that, in everything always having all sufficiency you may abound to every good work.

1 Thessalonians 3:12 And the Lord cause you to increase and abound in love to one another and it's all just as we also to you.

I really enjoyed these two verses because we enjoy a transcendent Life, God's life. The word sufficiency touched me very much and reminded me of this song.

God is working Himself, in Christ as the Spirit into you as grace to supply you with Himself as the all sufficient life so that in everything always having all sufficiency that you may abound in every good work.


MS, United States

Grace to you! This song has watered me so much the past few days! What grace! What mercy! We work together with God by His life! All fitting, all sufficient, all mature, able to fit all situations, able to endure any kind of treatment, able to accept any kind of environment, able to work in any condition, able to take any kind of opportunity for the carrying out of our ministry.

Praise our sweet Lord that every single thing we could possibly go through in our human life are all REALLY opportunities to apply this all-fitting life practically as liquid gold to each other. Christ is the only buildable material and praise the Lord our base is grace!!! What we cannot do, what we cannot be, grace is!!! So again I say, grace to you! :)

Shaira Ylanan

Cebu, Bogo, Philippines

What a wonderful life has been wrought into us! What a fitting life! Mature and all-sufficient. Amen, Amen, Amen!!!

Zion Wong

Baltimore, United States

2 Corinthians 6:1

And working together with Him, we also entreat you not to receive the grace of God in vain.

Footnote 1 "And" here indicates a continuation. In the last part of ch. 5 (5:16-21) the apostle told us that they, the ministers of the new covenant, had been commissioned with the ministry of reconciliation for the Lord's new creation. From this verse to the end of ch. 7 he continued by telling us how they worked. They worked together with God by a life (not by any gift) that was all-sufficient and all-mature, able to fit all situations, that is, able to endure any kind of treatment, to accept any kind of environment, to work in any kind of condition, and to take any kind of opportunity, for the carrying out of their ministry."