Search me, O God, and know my heart

NS268 YP250
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me and know my thoughts;
And see if there be any wicked way in me;
Lead me in the way, lead me in the way,
Lead me in the way everlasting.
You have searched me;
You have known me;
My downsitting, my uprising;
You understand my thoughts from afar;
You know all my ways,
You know all my ways.
(Two parts can be sung simultaneously)
Pey-Jing Li Mehrinfar

San Marcos, TX, United States

Psalms 139 is so sweet. I sang this song in children’s meetings before I ever read it in the Bible and it really touches my heart to sing this to the Lord. Search me, O God, and know my heart!


United States

For all those looking, the recording of “Search Me O God” by the Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team uses this melody.


Bellingham, WA, United States

Been singing this song for decades, but still amazed at the openness of David's heart here. Just realized this morning that he doesn't just pray for the Lord to search him to see if there are any sins on his conscience that need confessing and the cleansing of the blood of Christ. No - he asks God to see if there is any wicked WAY in him. In context, this wicked way is a way of thinking ("know my thoughts"). He is praying, in Paul's terminology (2 Cor 10) that the Lord would cast down any stronghold, any established way of thinking, in his mind that affords the enemy a path to return again and again to attack. We need to pray that God would change any way of thinking that is at odds with the Lord's wonderful mind, especially towards all the saints. Rather than recalling their offenses, mistakes, wrongdoings, injuries, shortcomings, irritations, etc. , we must instead determine to forgive and be renewed in our thinking, rather to consider just the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints. This is how we shall consider the saints for eternity. It is the eternal way of thinking.


Challis, ID, United States

If you want to know all of King David’s thoughts on this subject read all of Psalm 138. It is surprising how most of the old hymns were inspired by scripture and were written to praise GOD and not make money the way so many of the new songs are. The LORD wants us to follow the old paths not forge new ones.

Malachi 3:6a For I am the LORD, I change not;

Skyla Yearwood

Orlando, FL, United States

I have been a Christian now for nine months and I have been loving it and there came a point where I used to you know like how do I say this well I used to put God second to all of the things in my life and I have a song and I just love it because lately now I've been praying every morning and night and I've been singing the songs morning and I am starting to do some devotions and yeah I love Jesus.


Austin, TX, United States

I'm just 19, but we sang it in my home meeting. And I told my friend, "Oh we sung this awesome song have you heard it?" But I couldn't remember, so I saw one verse but not the second. I am so glad that you know about this. I love this song sooooooooooooooooooooo much. Thanks a lot.😊😃🎶🎵


Los Angeles, California, United States

Lord You know our ways! Every crevice of our heart - Lord, You know. And You know that Your ways are higher than ours. Who can understand Your ways? Lord, lead me in Your way.


Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

Lord from my deepest..deepest part.. You know me! Lord You know how thirsty I am for You.. You know how I really.. really long for You...


United States

I'm just 9 but we sang it in my Sunday school class and I told my mom "oh we sung this awesome song have you heard it?" But I couldn't remember so I saw one verse but not the second I am so glad that you know about this. I love this song sooooooooooooooooooooo much. Thanks a lot.😊😊😃😃🎶🎶🎵

Edmane Castor

New York, United States

I use this as my prayer to ask for the Holy Ghost power to move in my life. Oh Holy Ghost revival comes from Thee. Please Daddy send a revival in my life today because I cannot survive without this Revival.