How lovely are Thy dwelling places

How lovely are Thy dwelling places;
My soul longs for the courts of the Lord.
My heart and my flesh,
They sing for joy to the living God;
You are my King and my God.
Cherry Soulter

Sunset, LA, United States

Yes me too!! Worship and honor to Him! Brings your heart right into His presence when we sing His Word…

Lorraine Kruse

Bowen, QLD, Australia

One of the many songs we sang in 70-80s. Pure scripture. I pray more and more of scriptural worship and praise songs will come to light for our churches to use.



I first heard this songs in the 70s and I love it because it always touches deep inside and automatically lead me to worship our God in spirit. Sometimes tears would just flow down. I felt that I am worshipping God with my whole being body soul and spirit, just like the psalmist said my soul, my heart and my flesh. sing for joy to the living God. Hallelujah

Jordan K.Chee

Hana, Hawaii, United States

This song was written by Edward Miller evangelist and missionary to Argentina.

Dorothy Hicks version is correct. I attended Millerʻs church when I was a young man. He loved the Lord and was a friend of God.

Dorothy Hicks

Columbia, MD, United States

How lovely are Thy dwelling places!

My soul longs for the courts of the Lord.

My heart and my flesh, crieth out to the living God!

You are my king and my God!

You are my king and my God!