We are the generation

NS223 YP145
We are the generation
The Lord has waited for.
He has sought us and pursued us.
When we touched Him, He renewed us.
Now the time has come
For all the young
To be in touch with Him!
God loves this generation—
He chose us for His plan.
We were young and disillusioned
In the age of mass confusion.
Now we are His choice,
We all rejoice—
To God we say “Amen.”
Once we were searching,
Always worrying—
When would we end our search?
Now we’re reborn;
Our veils are torn,
Since He brought us into the church!
At last our search has ended;
Our praises fill the air.
We’re the chosen generation!
Jesus loves this generation!
And the time has come
For all the young
To be in love with Him!
Rebecca Berglund

Salem, OR, United States

"This is the generation of those who seek Him, / Those who seek Your face, even Jacob. Selah"

"Lift up your heads, O gates; / And be lifted up, O long enduring doors; / And the King of glory will come in."

"Who is the King of glory? / Jehovah strong and mighty! / Jehovah mighty in battle!"

(Psalms 24:5-8) Recovery Version


Psalms 24:6

Martin Goodwin

Reno, NV, United States

We are the generation seeking Your face! Grant us an hour or two everyday to go up to the mountain, to privately and intimately spend time with You.

Joanna Smathers

Baton Rouge, La, United States

Yes, Lord gain this generation!

Bro. Benjie

Mandaluyong, Philippines

We are the generation that the Lord is waiting for. Lord, gain our generation today! We are for Your building.



Yes! We are the generation that the Lord has waited for.