Christ is our light, our food, our air

NS182 YP70
Christ is our light, our food, our air;
He’s everything we’ll ever need.
Christ is our drink, our life, our way,
If in our being, He’d be freed.
Sisters: You say He’s mighty God.
Brothers: I say He’s man.
Sisters: Son, Spirit, Father all,
All: He’s rich, O so rich, when we call.
Brothers: He’s Sun of righteousness,
Sisters: Hope, peace, and faith,
Brothers: The Lamb of God is He,
All: So call on Him now, don’t you wait.
Sisters: You say He’s Son of God,
Brothers: And Son of Man,
Sisters: Firstborn among the dead,
All: Firstborn of creation, AMEN!
Brothers: Our Lord’s the great I AM,
Sisters: The start, the end.
Brothers: Alpha, Omega,
All: Lord Jesus, come quickly, AMEN!
Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

So call on Him NOW!! Don't you wait!! O LORD JESUS!!

Tammie Brewer

Royal Oak, MI, United States

I know He is & I feel Him everyday. Amen.

Glina Mira Bean

Rossville, Ga, United States

Yes, Amen. Christ is our light, our food, our air. We need to take Him as our light to get away from darkness. He is our food for us to grow and mature, and He is our air too. We need to breathe Him in every second for us to live by calling in His name (Oh Lord Jesus).