The faith is the economy

NS173 YP56
The faith is the economy, the economy of God
The household administration, the dispensing of our God
The truth is the contents, the reality of the faith,
According to God’s economy.
Godliness is a living that expresses
The divine reality,
An expression of God in all His riches
Full of all gravity.
Healthy teaching, words, and speaking
Are the ministry of the truth,
Ministering into people the reality of these truths;
Eternal life is the means and the power to carry out,
The divine realities of the faith;
Faith is the response to the truth of the faith
Conscience is a test and a check to preserve us in the faith.
The faith is the economy, the economy of God,
The household administration, the dispensing of our God;
The faith, the truth, expressed in healthy words,
Carried out in power by His life
Expressed in Godly living responded to by faith,
Kept and held in check by our conscience.
Suleima Cabrera Farhate Cury

Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil

Desfruto da riqueza desta letra e melodia há muitos anos e louvo ao Senhor pois Ele esta edificando Sua Igreja e podemos apressar O Dia de Deus, ao servi-LO em novidade de Vida, vivendo a REALIDADE DA FÉ !! Aleluia!!

Sister Vali Ruth

Tirane, Albania

Ephesians 1:10  Unto the economy of the fullness of the times, to head up all things in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, in Him;

Peter Christo

Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

Saudade desta época... como esse hino me iluminou! O cantava de todo O coração!! será que tem coral O cantando? Abraço irmãos!!!

Samuel R. O.


This hymn will now have a special meaning for me because the Lord really gave me in this present moment.

I was reading and reading the epistles of 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus, analyzing out to and fro like a lawyer when studying law and suddenly crossed through this hymn today. The author truly summarized the whole content of these books in a such graceful way in which it brings up. If you go along through these epistles you'll get trouble trying figuring out by yourself those points on the footnote 1:1 of the RV on the epistle of 1 Timothy, but this hymn clarified me. Praise the Lord for the blessed help of the Body of Christ.

Now no longer I'm as a pharisee analyzing the scriptures but a babe suckling, eating and drinking the Lord. Now I'm singing all day long: "Faith is the economy... 😊"

Lord bless you all

Joseph Waithima

Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

One of the most clear and practical definition of faith, helping us to enjoy Christ as the living Word of God in our daily Christian life and church life. Glory to our dear Lord Jesus for such a song.

Ricardo Reyes

Santa Cruz, Bolivia

God’s sweet dispensing is carry out in our daily lives as we go through God’s ordained circumstances measured out to us by our loving God, thus He is working godliness into our very being as we exercise our spirit to contact Him for His expression.

Glory Jung

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

I believe; help my unbelief!

Oto Saravia

Shreveport, Louisiana, United States

Faith is being infused into us day by day as we read His Word, and as we spend time lingering in His presence. What a precious economy has been revealed to us dear saints.

Travis Rigsby

Denton, Texas, United States

Through eating, drinking, and breathing Him as His word spontaneously brings forth faith in our living. Hallelujah!


Navotas, Manila, Philippines

The faith is economy of God is a wonderful song for me because I will appreciate this song with my family, best friend, daughter, sister, brother, pastor, pastoral. This song should be a song of the economy of faith and forever to God I will raise up my praises to You my God.