Morning dawn had arisen

NS169 LSM187 YP9
Morning dawn had arisen,
Abraham saddled his donkey,
Took his two young men with him
And Isaac, his beloved son.
Lord, You’re God’s only Son
And of God begotten
“This is My beloved Son, in whom
I am well-pleased.”
To his young men he said then,
“Stay and we’ll return to you.”
To Moriah he led him,
His son Isaac, just them two.
Just the son and the father,
Speaking with one another.
Isaac said, “My father!” Abraham
    said, “Here I am.”
As You spoke with Your Father
You bore the wood God laid on You;
As a lamb to the slaughter
Obedient to the death were You.
Precious blood of a Lamb,
Slain from when earth began,
Laid Your life down for Your sheep, in love,
    that I might live.
Man of sorrows, I love You.
From You men did hide their face.
With no majesty to You,
Despised, forsaken, and disgraced.
For my sins You were crushed.
Lord, I love You so much.
Chastened, scourged and then pierced through, my griefs
    and sorrows bore.
Dead in sins and offenses,
I’m a bruised reed—smoking flax.
Yet to death You were given,
For of Your sheep, You’d not lose one.
Like the woman, I’d weep,
Flow my tears at Your feet.
Jesus Lord, I just love You—dear Lord,
    Jesus my Lord.
Jonah Tien

Cupertino, CA, United States

Man of sorrows, I love You.

From You men did hide their face.

With no majesty to You,

Despised, forsaken, and disgraced.

For my sins You were crushed.

Lord, I love You so much.

Chastened, scourged and then pierced through, my griefs

and sorrows bore.


California, United States

Precious blood of a Lamb,

Slain from when earth began,

Laid Your life down for Your sheep, in love, that I might live.


Jakarta, West Java, Indonesia

Isa. 53:3 "He was despised and forsaken of men, A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; And like one from whom men hide their faces,   He was despised; and we did not esteem Him."

He was not only lose His rights,

He made it till the end, on the cross.

How can we toward Him still hardened be,

While to us He gave all selflessly?

William Jeng

Irvine, CA, United States

Man of sorrow I love You! So many times after Jesus carried out miracles like raising the dead or feeding the five thousand in the gospels, the crowd wanted to crown Him king on the spot. But instead, he would run away from the crowd and into the mountains and pray to the Father...

The son doesn’t care for anything else except The will of the Father! The son was obedient even unto death. Praise the Father, thank You for sending us Your son!

Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

Lord, thank You for dying for us that we may live! Jesus Lord, I just love You!

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

The 1st 3 verses about Isaac and Abraham are heart-wrenching, and I like the tender, but lively tune.

Rea Araojo

Zamboanga, Philippines

I like the song. It's wonderful because it speaks of our experiencing Christ in His humanity! :D

The tune comes out to be so pleasant when played on the guitar! ^_^

Emely Maghanoy

Molave, Zambo Sur, Philippines

I like this song because it encourage me to remain in the LORD'S RECOVERY!!!! HALLELUJAH!