Fallen, in her condition

NS166 YP12
Fallen, in her condition
Israel left her Love.
She was stubborn in her position—
To God she would not come.
Under the Lord’s chastising
She was an unturned cake.
But Jehovah, with love unchanging
Makes Israel His own son—a change to make.
You became a man—
Cord of love to me.
I am drawn with loving bands
And embraced by Thee.
From the heavens came,
You stepped out of eternity,
Died and rose as a man
That You could impart Your life to me.

The verses can be sung together.

Laura Viza

Tigard, Oregon, United States

You became a man—

Cord of love to me.

I am drawn with loving bands

And embraced by Thee.

Thank you Lord for calling us with cords of love.

Joshua Chang

Walnut, California, United States

Thank You Lord for Your unchanging love towards us, no matter who we are or what we’ve done!

Rocío Saucedo Madera

Durham, NC, United States

Thank you Lord for your unchanging and unfailing love!

Cody Enderli

San Marcos, TX, United States

Oh Lord, remain Our First Love!

Yuri Reyes

Anaheim, California, United States

What GREAT love Jeremiah 32



love it.

Tim Ou

Austin, Texas, United States

Oh Lord, thank You for Your unchanging love.

Ryan Danek

Bellevue, Washington, United States

Drawn by Love.

Lord draw me more today.

William Jeng

Irvine, CA, United States

Thank You Lord for loving us to the uttermost. You loved us so much that You, the perfect, unblemished, faultless, flawless man willingly died for our sins. Thank You for Your redemption, purchasing us back with Your blood. You died and rose as a man, in order to impart life in me. What an amazing love You have for us. Lord Jesus, I love You not only for what You have done but also for who You are!

Annie Tao

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

This is so great!!!!!! 爱!!!!