Jesus Lord, You’re our first love

Cs316 NS118 NS118f LSM174 YP172
Jesus Lord, You’re our first love;
You’re the One we love the best.
When our heart is loving You,
How we’re filled with Your sweet rest!
Lord, we love You for Yourself,
Not for what You give or do.
Nothing else could e’er compare
With the joy of loving You.
Lord, we’ve been drawn off by many things;
Now we turn our heart back—how it sings!
We repent of loving other things—
Jesus, Lord, You’re our first love.
Never more could we desire
Anything that’s less than You,
And to this we would aspire—
Simply to be filled with You.
Jesus Lord, You’re our first love;
You’re the One we love the best.
When our heart is loving You,
How we’re filled with Your sweet rest!
Joshua Chang

Walnut, CA, United States

Lord we’ve like to love You with our first and best love! We repent on loving so many other things. But we just turn our hearts back to You right now!

Joann Wang

Walnut, California, United States

Recover our first love toward You.

Fill us with your sweet rest!

Angel Vattakunnel

Austin, TX, United States

Jesus Lord! You are our first love! Lord we turn our heart back to you! Lord draw us! Lord! We Love you Lord Jesus!

Jim Smith

Mansfield, Ohio, United States

Verse one and verse four are the same. This seems to be the main point of the hymn. You are our first love. Even in turbulent times, when our heart is loving you and your in first place, oh what peace and rest!


London, United Kingdom

Jesus Lord we love You. Always be our best and first love. Keep drawing us away from all the cares and anxieties of the world to Yourself. Deliver us from being busy agitated Martha's to being single-hearted Mary's, inwardly sitting at Your feet, gazing into Your lovely face and absorbing Your words. May we be those who increasing learn to live in our spirits, singing and psalming to You and one another in our hearts. We love You dearest Lord. Thank You for first loving us.

Armand Tongo

Malabon, Metro Manila, Philippines

- "In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did that which was right in his own eyes." (Judg. 17:6, 21:25)

- "But I have one thing against you, that you have left your first love." (Rev. 2:4)

In today's society, we see people doing which was right in their own eyes, and we are actually the same as them whenever we leave our first love to the Lord and are empty, forsaking our Husband and King. May we learn to come back to our Husband, inquire of Him regarding our affairs, even our personal universe. What He longs for is that we would be brought to a living in the most intimate contact with Him in this marvelous marriage union. Let us all be filled with Him, loving Him with our best love!

Jeanette Keating

Salem, OR, United States

Thank you Brionna for your spirit and speaking truth! I’ve had this song in my heart for days now and just looked it up this morning. Your prayer was the answer to my heart cry. Lord, thank You for Your body on this earth! Thank you we are not not alone, but laboring together until Your return!


San Marcos, TX, United States

“When our heart is loving You, how we are filled with Your sweet rest! ”

When your mind is racing, when things are out of control, when you are burdened, turn your heart back to the Lord and love Him! There’s rest in Him. There’s peace in Him. The Lord is working it out for you, so right now just love Him!!

Wilson L

Los Angeles, CA, United States

Lord Jesus, I love You. Although things of the world might shake my heart, but Lord You are my first and ever love. We need You Lord today!


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