The Bible is a romance

LB5 LSM249 YP48
The Bible is a romance
In the most holy sense:
God and His chosen people
In love it so presents.
This Universal Couple
Throughout it is displayed;
God in Christ is the Bridegroom,
His saints, the Bride, portrayed.
Through shadows, types and figures,
God’s deepest thought is known;
As typified by Adam,
The Husband, Christ, is shown.
A rib brought forth from Adam
Reveals the source of life
By which God built a woman:
Eve, as the church, His wife.
To be His people’s Husband,
To take them as His wife:
This is what God desires
To live in marriage life.
Their sacrifice and worship
Alone could not content;
But with them to be married
Was God’s foremost intent.
This romance is the finest
As seen in Song of Songs;
For her Beloved’s kisses
His seeking lover longs.
Love’s work in her produces
No person of her own,
But she becomes the City,
Her Person, Christ alone.
Christ is our coming Bridegroom;
We are the Church, His Bride,
Redeemed, regenerated,
The issue of His side,
In source, in life, in nature
And person fully one,
His counterpart forever,
The New Jerusalem.
Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

His counterpart forever, the New Jerusalem.



I was reading the foreword of Brother Lee's Life Study of Romans today. And what he wrote instantly reminded me of the first line of this hymn. Indeed, the Bible is a romance, it the most holy sense! This is revealed many times in the Old Testament. In Genesis, Adam was a type of Christ and Eve was a type of the Church. And Song of Songs is just all about love! We are the Shulamite that runs after our beloved. It is so sweet to follow and love and run after the Lord!

C Sund

Los Angeles, CA, United States

Lord, Thank You for loving us from eternity.


Harvest, Alabama, United States

Amen! We are the Lord's counterpart!


Alhambra, California, United States

Praise the Lord. We can enjoy His romance as we are singing this song.

Joselito Cua

Zamboanga, Zamboanga Del Sur, Philippines

Truly and in reality the Bible is a romance, God wants to live a marriage life with His chosen and redeemed people, the Church! Amen Lord!

Alan Baier

Chula Vista, CA, United States

You may be surprised what reminded me of this wonderful hymn - Life Study of Romans message one! It begins by stating that we need to know the position of the book of Romans in the Bible. In order to to know this, we need to consider the Bible as a whole. The next point is: "The Bible - a Romance of a Universal Couple."

I wholeheartedly encourage you in your reading of the Word, to include the Life-Study as a companion!

Stehen Bellingham

Irvine, CA, United States

This is profound hymn. Thank You Lord Jesus for making us Your counterpart, Your bride.

Jonathan V

Guayama, Puerto Rico

What a privilege to enjoy this hymn and see the true meaning of the Bible.


Shreveport, LA, United States

We sang this song in young people gospel meeting and fell in love with Lord and become the lovers of Christ. Very touching.