Abba Father

LB45 LSM6 YP81
Abba, Father, hear our cry,
Mingled spirit deep within.
Abba, Father,
Abba, Father.
Thank You, Father, for sending Him;
The Spirit of Your Son Who cries within.
Oh! How sweet is Abba’s Name
From our spirit through our heart.
Every moment this mingled cry;
To Your Beloved we’re joined thereby.
Day by day, this cry so new;
In Your Son we come back to You.
In Your bosom here we’ll stay,
In Your Son and never stray.
Henry Otim

Ngora, Eastern Region, Uganda

Thanks alot, I am blessed . This is the sound in my house since discovered This platform. God bless the work of your hands ๐Ÿ™

Karen Braaten

Stockton, CA, United States

"For through Him we both have access in one Spirit unto the Father." (Ephesians 2:18) Recovery Version

O it is so sweet that we, as believers of Christ and sons of God through the reconciliation and redemption of our precious Lord Jesus, we have access in one Spirit unto our Father not only once a week, but even every day and every moment corporately and in our daily living. It is most precious to privately, intimately, affectionately, and lovingly spent our time with the Father through the Son in one Spirit.


Bentonville, Arkansas, United States

Abba father, we praise You!!!

Yuri Reyes

Plano, TX, United States

Abba Father we praise you

M Eades

โ€œAnd because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father! โ€ (Gal. 4:6)


Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico

Day by day, this cry so new;

In Your Son we come back to You!!!

Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

Abba, Father!


Lake Forest, CA, United States

"I Just enjoyed singing this hymn to the Father with all those members of His Body who call on the Lord out of a pure heart during the time of the worship of the Father at the Lord's Table in the church in Lake Forest, CA. I'm so blessed to attend the Lord's Table with the church in Lake Forest"

Syriel Maghanoy

Molave.zambo.sur, Philippines

Ammmmeeeennnnn for all hymnal songs. :))))))

Thank You, Lord.


Stockton, CA

I needed this song, which is a prayer! Thank You Lord for the loving sister who sent it to me this cold winter morning!