For the Lord has chosen Zion

For the Lord has chosen Zion,
He has desired her.
For the Lord has chosen Zion
For His habitation.
This is my rest forever,
Here will I dwell.
This is my rest forever;
I have desired her.
Lidia Pêgo

Barbacena, Minas Gerais, Brazil

1 Pois O Senhor escolheu Sião, Ele a desejou. Pois O Senhor escolheu Sião Para a Sua habitação. Este é O meu descanso para sempre, Aqui vou morar. Este é O meu descanso para sempre; Eu a desejei.


José Benjamín

O dear precious Lord Jesus!! May You truly gain a people, a remnant who will love You, express You, and match You as Your intimate counterpart. Fill us, dear Lord Jesus, that we would love Zion as You love Zion!

Kitty Joubert

Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa

Amen, Lord.

Gigi Macon-Diallo

Fairfax, VA, United States

O dear precious Lord Jesus!! May You truly gain a people, a remnant who will love You, express You, and match You as Your intimate counterpart. Fill us, dear Lord Jesus, that we would love Zion as You love Zion!