Lord, I’ve set my heart

LB18 LSM183 YP177
Lord, I’ve set my heart; Lord, I just love You.
Beside You I have no other desire.
Lord, I just like to live You.
Lord, I love You because You love me.
I just like to live You,
And be under Your instant moment by moment leading.
On the entire earth, in the whole universe,
I have no int’rest or other desire:
My desire is only You.
Thank You, dearest Lord; You’ve predestinated me.
You’ve called me and saved me and, Lord, preserved me.
You have brought me, Lord, to this day.
Samuel Frytag

Gainesville, FL, United States

Lord I’ve set my heart. My desire is only you ohhhhhhhhh Lorddddddddd Jesussssssss!!!!!!


Book : Perfecting Training

Chapter 52 section 2/3 digital book

CWWL 1980


As the Lord’s children, we just have to love Him and to be one with Him. We have to live the Lord Jesus. Also we have to set our heart on the Lord’s interest. We have to tell the Lord, “Lord, on this entire earth I have no other interest. My unique interest and desire is You. I love You because You love me. I want to live You. I want to live under Your instant and momentary leading. ” This is basic. Dear saints, if you do not make such a basic decision, you can never have the Lord’s leading. You must have such a basic decision. You must tell the Lord, “Lord, thank You, You have chosen me, You have predestinated me, You have called me, You have saved me, You have regenerated me, You have brought me to this day, and You have preserved me. Thank You, Lord, by Your mercy and grace I love You. Besides You I have no interests, no desire. I just want to live You, living under Your momentary leading. ” Dear saints, this is more than basic. If you have not made such a basic decision, you do not need to talk about the leading. You are not in the position to have the Lord’s leading. You must make such a decision.


Gainesville, Florida, United States

Love the song along very. 👌


Arlington, TX, United States

Thank You, Lord for companions who send hymns that turn our hearts back to You afresh. Lord, I love You because You love me. I just like to live You and be under Your instant, moment by moment, leading. Keep us with Your keeping power, Lord!

Miriam P

Riverside, CA, United States

Thank you Dearest Lord; You've

Predestinated us,

Called us,

Saved us &

Preserved us

Thank you Lord for bringing us to this day. We love you, dear Lord.


Winnsboro, TX, United States

Lord I love You! My desire is only You!


Jeremiah 4:1 you will return, O Israel, declares Jehovah, / Return to Me; / And if you put away your detestable things from My presence / And do not wander,

Je 4:2 And swear, As Jehovah lives, / In truth and in justice and in righteousness, / Then the nations will bless themselves in Him, / And in Him they will glory.

Je 4:3 For thus says Jehovah to the men of Judah and to Jerusalem, / Break up your fallow ground, / And do not sow among thorns.

Je 4:4 Circumcise yourselves to Jehovah, / And remove the foreskins of your heart, / Men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, / Lest My wrath go forth like fire / And burn, and there be no one to quench it / Because of the evil of your deeds.


Los Angeles, California, United States

Thank You dearest Lord, You've predestinated us for Your purpose!


Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands


Taylor Cole

Knoxville, TX, United States

We love You dear Lord.

Keep us. Keep us under your moment by moment leading.