My Father is rich in houses and lands

My Father is rich in houses and lands,
He holdeth the wealth of the world in His hands!
Of rubies and diamonds, of silver and gold,
His coffers are full, He has riches untold.
I’m a child of the King,
A child of the King:
With Jesus my Savior,
  I’m a child of the King.
My Father’s own Son, the Savior of men,
Once wandered on earth as the poorest of them.
But now He is pleading our pardon on high,
That we may be His when He comes by and by.
I once was an out-cast stranger on earth,
A sinner by choice, and an alien by birth;
But I’ve been adopted, my name’s written down,
An heir of salvation, the kingdom and crown.
Though poor on this earth, oh, why should I care?
Since glorious things for me God doth prepare;
Though trials abound, yet, still I may sing:
All glory to God, I’m a child of the King.
Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

Harriertt Buell was born in 1834, in Cazevia, New York. Buell wrote this song one Sunday morning while walking home from her church. She then sent the text to the Northern Christian Advocate, and they printed it. The poem was titled “The Child of a King. ” At the same time, John Summer had been praying for a gospel song to write, which would replace the one his friend, Philip Bliss had promised to write before his unexpected death. John Summer served as a minister in Pennsylvania and New York, as well as being a music teacher. When Summer saw Mrs. Buell’s words in publication, he knew his prayer had been answered. He set a melody to the poem. Peter Bilhorn tells the following story from 1883:

“We had started up the Missouri River for Bismarck, and on Sunday we stopped at a town named Blunt, to unload some freight. A crowd of men and boys came down to the wharf. I took my little organ, went on the wharf-boat, and sang a few songs, among others, the glorious hymn, I am a child of the King. I thought nothing more of the occasion until long afterwards, when I sang the same song, in Dwight L. Moody’s church in Chicago. Then a man in the back part of the house arose, and said, in a trembling voice, ‘two years ago, I heard that song, at Blunt, Dakota; I was an unsaved man, but that song sent me to thinking, and I decided to accept Christ, and I am now studying for the ministry. ’”

Commentary by L. Codington

Grace Samuel

Trivandrum, Kerala

I am child of the king.

I have been adopted into the family of the great king.

Makes me so happy to sing this assured songe

Debbie B

Kendall Park, New Jersey, United States

‘Wondering if Harriet Buell spent time in Ocean Grove, NJ? It was- and is- a Methodist Camp meeting Town- and was frequented by many other hymn writer( Fanny Crosby for one). The 4th verse of “A Child Of the King! ” Says, “ a tent or a cottage- why should I care? ” These are STILL over 100 tents occupied each May - Sept- and WE have a ‘cottage’ there. Anyone know??!

Pastor Jerido

Jersey City, New Jersey, United States

This song reminds you we are rich We have inheritance in Jesus Christ We are winners don't give up Your help is on the way hold on Call on him His Name is Jesus he Rescued you. He come see about you. He help you finish until the end Amen

Joy Masgarita

Toronto, ON, Canada


Norma Jean Carlisle

Indianapolis, IN, United States

My Father is rich in houses and lands, He holdeth the wealth of this world in His hands !! All Glory to God ! I am a child of the King ! 🎆🎉🙏💪💕😇

Helen Todd

Jacksonville, Florida, United States

Such a wonderful song. Sang this many times when I was a teenager in a group, which lasted for several years. Has such a message and SO THANKFUL TO BE A CHILD OF THE KING. My wonderful husband went Home in October 2016 and I am anxious to get there to be with him and the KING!

Steve Miller

Detroit, Mi, United States

I especially like stanza 2, that the Only Begotten Son of God walked on earth as the poorest of men.

Harriett Buell wrote the words for A Child of the King one Sunday morning while walking home from her Methodist church service. She sent her text to the Northern Christian Advocate, and it was printed in the February 1, 1877 issue.

John Sum­ner had been pray­ing for a Gos­pel song to re­place the one that would have been writ­ten by his friend and teach­er Phil­ip Bliss, who had re­cent­ly suffered an un­time­ly death. When Sum­ner saw these words in the Northern Christian Advocate, he knew his prayer had been an­swered.

Mr. Pe­ter P. Bil­horn re­lates the fol­low­ing in­ci­dent in con­nect­ion with this hymn, which hap­pened when he was en­gaged in evan­gel­is­tic work among the cow­boys in the West, in 1883. “We had start­ed up the Mis­sou­ri Riv­er for Bis­marck, and on Sun­day we stopped at a new town, named Blunt, to un­load some freight. A crowd of men and boys came down to the wharf. I took my lit­tle or­gan, went on the wharf-boat, and sang a few songs—among others the glor­i­ous hymn, ‘I’m a child of of a King.’ I thought no­thing more of the oc­ca­sion un­til long af­ter­ward, when I sang the same song in Mr. Moo­dy’s church in Chi­ca­go [Il­li­nois]. Then a man in the back part of the house arose, and said in a trem­bling voice: ’Two years ago I heard that song at Blunt, Da­ko­ta; I was then an un­saved man, but that song set me to think­ing, and I de­cid­ed to ac­cept Christ, and I am now stu­dy­ing for the min­is­try.’” - My Life and Story of the Gospel Hymns and of Sacred Songs and Solos by Ira D. Sankey


The original last line of stanza 3 said:

An heir to a mansion, a robe and a crown.


The original 4th stanza said:

A tent or a cottage, why should I care?

They’re building a palace for me over there;

Though exiled from home, yet still may I sing:

All glory to God, I’m a child of the King.


Brooklyn, NY, United States

While talking to my aunt, she began to sing this song. She said she and my mother (recentely passed) sang it since they were growing up. I Googled it and downloaded the mp3 and the sheet music. I love this song and will play it often.


This is a great song...