I know not what awaits me

I know not what awaits me,
  God kindly veils my eyes,
And o’er each step of my onward way
  He makes new scenes to rise;
And every joy He sends me comes
  A sweet and glad surprise.
Where He may lead I’ll follow,
  My trust in Him repose;
And every hour in perfect peace,
  I’ll sing, “He knows, He knows”;
And every hour in perfect peace,
    I’ll sing, “He knows, He knows.”
One step I see before me,
  ’Tis all I need to see,
The light of heaven more brightly shines
  When earth’s illusions flee;
And sweetly through the silence comes,
  His loving, “Trust in Me!”
Oh, blissful lack of wisdom,
  ’Tis blessed not to know;
He holds me with His own right hand,
  And will not let me go,
And lulls my troubled soul to rest
  In Him who loves me so.
So on I go not knowing;
  I would not if I might;
I’d rather walk in the dark with God
  Than go alone in the light;
I’d rather walk by faith with Him
  Than go alone by sight.
Yuri Reyes

He knows what we need oh Lord Jesus Christ we need more of you.


United States

This is a beautiful song. I do not agree with the part about walking in the dark with God however and walking alone in the light If we walk with God we will be in the light and we will never be alone In God there is no darkness


Pretoria, South Africa

How pleasant to know He knows.

Lucia Loftus

Long Beach, CA, United States

Living a life of faith does not come naturally to me. At times it can be very uncomfortable. I tend to try to control what happens in my life and yet time and time again the Lord shows me that he doesn’t need me to control anything. “One step I see before me, Tis all I need to see. ” Many times in following the sense within, we want to see more than one step before we follow the Lord but the Lord will only show us one step and His speaking is always the same “Trust in me. ” My life, as a believer is one of transitioning from trusting in my self to trusting in our dear Lord Jesus Christ. Psalm 139:10 says “There also Your hand will lead me, And Your right hand will take hold of me. ” “So on I go not knowing; I would not if I might. ” Lord teach us daily how to live a life of faith.

Sam Liu

New York City, NY, United States

This hymn touchs me every time I sang or muted on its lyrics. The author had had tremendous experience of the Lord's presence. Stanza 4 "So on I go not knowing;  I would not if I might; I’d rather walk in the dark with God  Than go alone in the light; I’d rather walk by faith with Him Than go alone by sight." It requires a strong faith and a desire for His presence to go on in this way during our Christrians' journey!

Moses knows God's Will and long for His presence in the following verses: Ex 33:13 Now therefore if I have found favor in Your sight, please let me know now Your ways, that I may know You, so that I may continue to find favor in Your sight. Consider also that this nation is Your people. Ex 33:14 And He said, My presence shall go with you,  and I will give you rest.

Ex 33:15 And he said to Him, If Your presence does not go with us,  do not bring us up from here." The Lord said, “My presence shall go with you. ” What a treasure! The presence, the smile, of the Lord is the governing principle. We must be fearful of receiving anything from the Lord yet losing His presence.

Nelson K

United Kingdom

And every hour in perfect peace,

I’ll sing, “He knows, He knows. ”

Ms. Leony C. Caido, Rn

Calasiao, Ilocos Region, Philippines

His loving, "TRUST in ME" is very comforting especially this pandemic times.

Let's Pray for one another. Let's grow in Christ. Gain Him, love Him, enjoy Him today!..


Roseburg, Oregon, United States

So on I go not knowing;

I would not if I might;

I’d rather walk in the dark with God

Than go alone in the light;

I’d rather walk by faith with Him

Than go alone by sight.

Thank You Lord for your perfect ways. We say amen to whatever You sovereignly set before us because Your heart towards us is always good. We love You Lord.

Mariegel Dalaguete

Leduc, Alberta, Canada

Where He may lead I'll follow.

My trust in Him repose.

And every hour in perfect peace,

I'll sing "He knows, He knows". Amen, Praise the Lord. We just have to simply trust in Him. He knows our deepest thoughts and every situations.

Ethel Anderson

Seattle, Washington, United States

Mary Brainard wrote this song that will never be outdated. Beautiful words for all time, even now as we wait in quarinteen to see where the situation with the coronavirus goes. Another of many reminders that our Lord God knows everything ahead of time and He's got the whole world in His hands.