Oh, What a Wonderful Place

B277 C358 CB479 E479 K358 T479
Oh, what a wonderful place
  Jesus has given to me!
Saved by His glorious grace,
  I may be even as He.
When with my Lord I appear,
  Like Him I know I shall be;
But while I walk with Him here,
  I may be even as He.
Even as He, even as He,
Wonderful words that even we,
Saved by His marvelous grace may be
  One with the Savior, even as He.
One in His death on the tree,
  One as He rose from the dead;
I from the curse am as free
  E’en as my glorious head.
One on the throne by His side,
  One in His sonship divine;
One as the Bridegroom and bride,
  One as the branch and the vine.
One in His merits I stand,
  One as I pray in His name;
All that His worth can command,
  I can with confidence claim.
One in His faith and His love,
  One in His life I may be.
Sealed by the heavenly Dove,
  I may be holy as He.

Baton Rouge, United States

One in His death, one as He rose, one on the throne by His side, one in His sonship divine, one as the bridegroom & bride, one as the branch and the vine, one in His merits, one as I pray in His name, one in His faith & His love, one in His life, I may be holy as He.


Nashville, Tennessee, United States

We can be even as He! This should not just be a theme but we should marvel in the fact that this could be our experience even now. Praise the Lord!

Joanna Smathers

Baton Rouge, LA, United States

A young brother called this song at our table meeting Lord's day. It was the first time I had heard it. Beautiful. OH! What a wonderful place.

J Lee

Anaheim, CA, U.S.A.

Embedded in this wonderful hymn is the high peak of the divine revelation that we sinners can be made sons of God, even as He is, who knew no sin, so are we in life and nature and expression. Do you know how many times in the New Testament is this notion mentioned, that we may be even as He?