My life, my love, I give to Thee

E457 P209
Audio Player
My life, my love, I give to Thee,
Thou Lamb of God who died for me;
Oh, may I ever faithful be,
  My Savior and my God!
I’ll live for Him who died for me,
How happy then my life shall be!
I’ll live for Him who died for me,
    My Savior and my God!
The world and all its joys I leave;
My life, O Lord, Thou wilt receive;
Henceforth no more Thyself I’ll grieve,
  My Savior and my God!
O Thou who died on Calvary,
To save my soul and make me free,
That I may ever live for Thee
  My Savior and my God!
Olayinka Oyeku

Lagos, Nigeria

Indeed CHRIST orchestrated us being alive. Lord Jesus, I will forever give my Life, my love and everything to you JESUS. YOU ARE INDEED THE LAMB WHO DIED AND ROSE AGAIN. MAY YOUR NAME BE PRAISED.


Cedar Springs, Ontario, Canada

This poem was taught to me about 25 years ago by an elderly women who today is 104 years old. She now only recites two hymns and this the one that she will recite the most. When I walk her down the halls she continually recites it and all the stall at the nursing now knows that hymn. She will have a special place with in heaven

Adegbite Solomon

Lagos, Nigeria

This is the inspirational song that challenge believers to re-dedicate their precious life for the master (Jesus Christ)

Marlyn Richards

Bronx, New York, United States

The music is so fitting for the lyrics. So uplifting. I will be teaching this song to my 3rd and 4th graders. I’m sure it will make a difference in their lives as it is doing to mine. 🙏🏽


Wow it's so 👍

Johanu Kollins

Montclair, CA, United States

Thank you having this lyrics and tune online. I remember this songs today after an incident. It has been over 20 years sinces sang it. I could not get it out of my spirit until I surf for it and bingo you have it as I knew it. Thank you and God bless you.

Joanna L Smathers

Baton Rouge, LA, United States

Brother Nath in Nigeria, posted a line from this song this morning I had not heard or thought of it in years. Enjoying it weeping; Also all the comments, so encouraging and blending.

Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

Born in Napoleon, OH, he taught music and became a preacher in the Methodist Episcopal Church and was active in evangelistic work. He was a singer, song writer, and compiler as well as a publisher of a number of songbooks.


Stanza 2 & 3 in the original say:

2 I now believe Thou dost receive,

For Thou hast died that I might live;

And now henceforth I’ll trust to Thee,

My Savior and my God!


3 Oh, Thou who died on Calvary,

To save my soul and make me free;

I’ll consecrate my life to Thee,

My Savior and my God!

Adedire Elijah

Markham, Illinois, United States

I and my family cannot be grateful enough to the work of the Holy Spirit through the composer of this inspiring and reviving hymn. Likewise the committed pianist, I love you all.

"I pray always... Oh let me ever be faithful to thee,

My Savior and my God."

Oloye Ajisope

London, WestHam, United Kingdom

What a wonderful and inspiring lyrics. God bless the composer. Dead or Alive.