All for Jesus! All for Jesus

C338 CB444 E444 F78 K338 T444
All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
All my being’s ransomed pow’rs;
All my thoughts and words and doings,
All my days and all my hours.
  All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
  All my days and all my hours.
  All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
  All my days and all my hours.
Let my hands perform His bidding;
Let my feet run in His ways;
Let mine eyes see Jesus only;
Let my lips speak forth His praise.
  All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
  Let my lips speak forth His praise.
  All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
  Let my lips speak forth His praise.
Worldlings prize their gems of beauty,
Cling to gilded toys of dust;
Boast of wealth, and fame, and pleasure;
Only Jesus will I trust.
  All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
  Only Jesus will I trust.
  All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
  Only Jesus will I trust.
Since mine eyes were fixed on Jesus,
I’ve lost sight of all beside—
So enchained my spirit’s vision,
Looking at the Crucified.
  All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
  Looking at the Crucified.
  All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
  Looking at the Crucified.
Oh, what wonder! how amazing!
Jesus, glorious King of kings,
Deigns to call me His beloved,
Lets me rest beneath His wings.
  All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
  Resting now beneath His wings.
  All for Jesus! All for Jesus!
  Resting now beneath His wings.
James Smith

Mansfield, Ohio, United States

I really appreciate the short biography on the author of this hymn provided in the previous comment. I gave my all to Jesus many years ago. I know the Lord has gained some of my heart because I love the brothers. He certainly has more to gain there. This morning, when I see His beauty at His crucifixion and I must say again, “all for Jesus, all for Jesus all to Him I freely give. I see His worthiness and I hope at the end of my life I can say I trusted Him with my whole life and I gave it all to Jesus.

Kerthene Byrd

Spring, Texas, United States

Amen, ALL FOR JESUS , Lord may this become our reality day by day and moment by moment.

May we truly live move and have our being in Christ Jesus our Lord amen

Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

Mary D. James began teaching Sunday School at the age of 13 in her local Methodist Episcopal Church in New Jersey. She became a well-known figure in the Wesleyan Holiness movement of the early 1800s, leading meetings, and submitting articles to several Christian publications. Along with having a family with four children, Mary strived to live a life as close to Christ as possible. She wrote, “All for Jesus” as a New Year’s resolution in 1871. As she wrote the letter, she expressed thankfulness in the work for her Lord that she was involved in during the previous year. She wrote, “I have written more, talked more, prayed more, and thought more for Jesus, than in any previous year, and have had more peace of mind, resulting from a stronger and more simple faith in Him. ” She saw how her increased commitment to God gave her a stronger ministry. “All for Jesus” was a personal expression of her devotion to God, conveying her desire that all she was going to do in the years to come, would be for His glory.

L. Codington


Idaho, United States

Thank you playing the music to this song so I can sing it over and over. It truly is a song of commitment - full surrender.

Pastor James Swieringa

Muskegon, Michigan, United States

I remembered the words of the 4th stanza during my devotions this morning. So I looked it up and it was once again a blessing to me as I learned it as a very young child.


Kingston-upon-Hull, England, United Kingdom

I learned this) and so many others) precious old hymn as a child.. I was humming this the other morning as I awoke. Quite often the Lord brings these back to remembrance throughout a day, or during a difficult time. They are like a ‘balm’, and a source of blessing for sure! I really miss not getting to sing these beautiful hymns in Church, as the younger crowd does not know they exist.. To be honest, I really believe they are missing out never having had opportunity to have learned to enjoy and appreciate them. ♥️🙏🏽

Lois Donatus

Aba, Abia, Nigeria

I learnt this song since my nursery school days in middle 80s, it still rings In my heart. It resonates this morning again I have to google it, Thanks to God I found both lyrics and tune.

My spirit is lifted. Praise God.


I love Jesus


Port At Lucie, Florida, United States

We put “All for Jesus” on my mom’s grave stone because she lived the words of this song. Living for Jesus was her joy and all 6 of her kids and my dad benefited from her zeal, love and passion for him. Many people are in heaven today because of it and others will join. When you give all for Jesus it’s just a natural outcome that others will want Him.

Great words to this song,

Victor Alochi

Kampala, Uganda

Whether singing or listening to these lyrics am always lifted up even at the times I'm so down and low.... It's always ALL FOR JESUS.

Stanzas 4 and 5 are from English stanzas 2 and 4; all else is different.

1. All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

This most reasonable is;

By redeeming blood most precious,

Right of ownership is His.

All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

Right of ownership is His.

All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

Right of ownership is His.

2. All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

This the longing of my heart;

As His love compels and urges,

I would yield Him every part.

All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

I would yield Him every part.

All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

I would yield Him every part.

3. All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

To be sanctified His own,

All my being and possessions,

Days and time are His alone.

All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

Days and time are His alone.

All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

Days and time are His alone.

4. Let my hands perform His bidding;

Let my feet run in His ways;

Let mine eyes see Jesus only;

Let my lips speak forth His praise.

All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

Let my lips speak forth His praise.

All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

Let my lips speak forth His praise.

5. Since mine eyes were fixed on Jesus,

I've lost sight of all beside—

So enchained my spirit's vision,

Looking at the Crucified.

All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

Looking at the Crucified.

All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

Looking at the Crucified.

6. Oh, what wonder! How amazing!

Jesus, glorious King of kings,

Deigns to call me His beloved,

Lets me rest beneath His wings.

All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

Resting now beneath His wings.

All for Jesus! All for Jesus!

Resting now beneath His wings.

We should consecrate people, affairs, and objects, but the last thing we should consecrate is ourselves. We have to consecrate ourselves to God. We should say, "God, I consecrate myself to You to do Your will." Brothers and sisters, we do not know what lies ahead of us. But we know that God has a will for every one of us. It may not be blessings, and it may not be sufferings. But we have to consecrate ourselves to His will. We should be willing to accept His will, whether it comes with blessing or suffering. Many people are willing to be used by God; they are filled with the Spirit and live the overcoming life continuously because they have consecrated themselves to the Lord.

What kind of consecration is this? It is a consecration in which we present our bodies as a living sacrifice. The Bible never speaks of the consecration of the heart; it only speaks of the consecration of the body. No one who has consecrated himself can leave his body unconsecrated. We have consecrated our whole being to the Lord. Henceforth, our mouth is not our own. Our ears are not our own, and our eyes, hands, feet, and even bodies are not our own. From now on we are merely the Lord's managers. From now on our feet are the Lord's, and we cannot use them for ourselves any longer. When a young man died, his old father charged the pallbearers to be very careful, because that body had served as the Lord's temple for twenty years. However, we should not wait until we have died for our bodies to be consecrated to the Lord. Today the Holy Spirit is already living in us. First Corinthians 6:19 says, "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?" One hymn says, "Let my hands perform His bidding;/Let my feet run in His ways./...All for Jesus! All for Jesus!/Let my lips speak forth His praise" (Hymns, #444). This is the meaning of consecration. This is what it means to consecrate our body. No one should say that his body is his own. Every single day of our life is for the Lord, and our whole body is for the Lord; we are merely His managers.

Once in another country, someone was passing the offering plate on a Sunday morning. When the plate came to a thirteen-year-old girl, she repeatedly asked that the plate be lowered. When the plate was lowered to the ground, she stepped onto the plate. She had no money, and therefore, she decided to offer herself up.

Today we should not only consecrate people, affairs, and objects to the Lord but also consecrate ourselves to Him. Every Lord's Day when we put the money into the offering box, we should put ourselves into it as well. When we hold ourselves back, God does not want our money. God will not have "ours" unless He first has "us." God must have us first before He will have ours. There are many people who will consecrate themselves to the Lord, and the Lord will not necessarily ask them to be preachers. He may want some to be good businessmen. Every corner in this world needs light, and we cannot choose our own work. We should say to the Lord, "From now on I resolve to do Your will."